“And you thought this was a good idea, why? I was watching someone who is looking for the treasure, too.”
“I know that,” she said casually. “I know lots of things. Some more than you, some less. Which is why itwasa good idea to bring you in for a chat. Adebriefing, the law guys call it.”
“What did you use on me?”
“Can’t spell the name or pronounce it, but it works real good.” She rose and drew closer. She was dressed in jeans and boots and a long sweater that covered her butt.
“You’ve really lost weight,” said the woman.
Clarisse said, “I lost my appetite about twenty years ago. You, on the other hand, went the other way.”
“I survived, so I ate what I wanted. You should try it sometime. You’re too skinny.”
She pulled her chair next to the bed and sat down.
“And my mother?”
“She’s around here. You probably smell her pee and other stuff. We moved her to another room so we could use this one for you.”
“Don’t get curious. It’s not a good look, and I’m not in the mood. Wilson Sullivan is the cop you were watching. Tell me why.”
“Like I said, he’s looking for the treasure. He may be a cop but he’s not acting like one.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well, one compelling theory is that he, like us, is not who he once was.”
The woman looked thoughtful. “And who might that be? The person he might have been, I mean.”
“One of the gang from the old days who changed his appearance? That’s one possibility.”
“I don’t think so. I recognized Bruce. I recognizedyou, even with all the shit you’ve done to yourself. I’d recognize anybody from the old days. I have a gift for it. And I work at it. For obvious reasons, survival being the top one. You know what they did to us. They’re not getting a second shot. And I saw Sullivan before and my meter did not buzz once.”
“Okay, where is the other half of ‘we’?”
“Off doing things as ‘other halves’ often do. Busy, busy, busy.”
“So you lied about him not being around anymore?”
“Let’s get back to the mystery man. If not the old days, what else?”
“First, I need to see my mother,” said Clarisse.
“Chiefly to make sure she’s not dead.”
“Again, why? You never loved her. You always wanted to kill the bitch. Don’t try to lie and say that wasn’t true. Or that your feelings have changed. Feelings don’t change after that shit. No, I’m wrong, they do. They get stronger. So you just want to kill hermorenow, right?”
Clarisse shook her head. “It’s not that simple. Maybe it was back then, not now. And I’m her caretaker. But just so you know I haven’t totally turned into a wimp, I spent good money keeping her alive and if anyone’s going to kill her, it’s going to be me. Not you. So bring her to me. Now.”
“Feisty today, huh? All tied up as you are? Sure, you can see her. I’ll just wheel her right in. It’s about time for her bathroom run, anyway.”
“Has she been getting her meds?”
“Stop worrying. You were always a worrier.”