“Everything you’ll need to know and more is there. You can read them on the plane. As for other matters, shall we discuss them at our scheduled dinner time?”

I shake my head, knowing I wouldn’t be able to focus on my dinner anymore.

“No, Papa. We should cancel dinner.” I take a quick look at the report, and the sales projections make my eyebrows shoot up in question.

“Thisis how much we’re selling it for?” I ask incredulously.

Papa nods. “That’s how I know you won’t take no for an answer from Ren.” He leans over his desk and presses his hands on top of it, saying, “This piece could sell for billions of euro, and I’m not about to lose it when we have the chance.”

There’s a shift in the air when Papa holds my gaze, and I look back at the projected price for the piece, perturbed at how far he’s willing to bet on it. At the back of my head, an annoying feeling kicks in. Why on earth doesn’t Ren want to sell his painting if it could potentially make him live off of riches for years.

“Okay, fine. I’ll travel to Italy for this,” I concede, rubbing my temples. There is simply no stopping my father when he gets invested in an art piece, and this is undoubtedly something he’s been dying to get his hands on.

The mystery around this Ren person is making me feel excited about this entire endeavor all of a sudden, and I can’t help but think about how our meeting will go once I finally lay my eyes on him.

“That’s perfect!” Papa exclaims, grinning as he claps his hands together.

“I expect that I will be compensated properly?”

“I already promised you, didn’t I?” His smile fades when he continues, “Now, I expect you to make the saleimmediately.”

“I understand. Where will I find him?”

“I believe the details of his neighborhood are also in those papers.”

“Alright. So I just have to talk to this Ren person, strike a deal, and leave with the painting?”

“Pretty much,” Papa says, shrugging.

“I doubt he’d be trusting of me, Papa.”

“It’s not like you’re out for blood, Jenny. You’re nice and sociable,” he reassures, smiling sweetly. “Any other questions?”

With my eyes on the papers, I curtly answer, “No.” I pack the file case inside my bag and stand. “I’ll be departing tonight, if that’s okay.”

“That’s more than okay!” he booms, smiling proudly. “I’ll have the jet prepared for you. Just tell me when you’re ready to go.”

“Thank you, Papa. I’ll be back in no time,” I say, smiling as I go over to his seat to give him a hug.

Then I exit the museum in a hurry, my phone pressed to my ear as I contact Jonathan.

“Jonathan? Are you nearby?”

“Yes, miss! Do you need me to pick you and Mr. Allair up for dinner?”

“No, change of plans. I need you to immediately pack a bag for a week. We’re going to Italy.”

There’s a noise on his end, and I hold back my laughter.

“W-what about you, miss?” he asks eventually.

“Arrange for someone to send clothes that’ll last me a week. I have no time to go back to my apartment and pack,” I say, checking my watch.

“Of course, miss. Where do we rendezvous?”

“Come pick me up at the park after you’re done packing,” I reply, briskly walking to a bakery to buy two croissants. “Then we’ll immediately leave for the hangar.”

“Understood, miss. I’m on my way.”