Iswear the only saving grace today is that the cute waitress is here. I found out her name was Josephine. A pretty name to match an equally pretty face.

I can’t believe she’s working here. Does she work part-time as a caterer? I wish I could talk to her. My head starts to visualize her vibrant eyes before a repetitive sound pulls me out of my daydream.

I hear Ada’s annoying stilettos clacking away behind me as I rush to get to my dad’s office. I was hoping I could out-walk her and that she would have stopped following me by now. She’s resilient, just like a mosquito.

“Aidy! Wait up!” Her obnoxious voice echoes down the hall. Nothing sets me on edge like that ridiculous nickname she calls me. Combined with the nasally voice from her nose surgery, it’s abysmal to my ears.

I don’t want her to follow me in, so I stop at the door and turn to her. She looks out of breath. As soon as she stops walking, she starts to fix her hair and smooth out her dress. She just can’t turn off her plastic personality for a second.

“Ada. Leave me alone.” I see that annoying pout. Once, it would subdue my anger, but that was a long time ago. Before she cheated on me.

“Why are you being like this? We were so good once. We could make an amazing couple. Think of how cute our kids would be! Oh, I’ve always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom!”

I slide my tongue along my teeth and try to keep my anger at bay. She’s already picturing our future together, and it, of course, is all about her.

Hats off to the guy who ends up with her. She is going to be an absolute menace.

You’re going to be the one to end up with her if you don’t stop this engagement.My thoughts roll back to set me in motion again. I think of one last thing to get her off my tail and away from me.

“I would rather marry a broom handle. Your perfect match is yourself, so why don’t you bring a mirror to the altar. At least then, maybe your partner would be able to tolerate you.”

Her gasp is fake and dramatic. I keep my face neutral. She sputters for a minute and crosses her arms.

“Well, if that’s how you’re going to be!” She steps back before storming off to God knows where. She makes me pray that my plan will work. Being married to Ada would be a life sentence with a narcissist. I grasp the back of my neck in frustration before opening the office door.

My dad is sitting at his desk. I shut the door behind me quietly, and his reading glasses slide down his nose as he looks up at me from his paperwork. He already looks annoyed by my intrusion, so I better make this quick.

Standing up to someone like my father is a mountainous task. He’s a strict man who expects everyone to follow his lead and listen to exactly what he tells them to do. He’s the type of man to yell at waiters for taking too long or grabbing the wrong bottle of wine.

If I hadn’t been raised by the man, I would be scared of him. Everyone else is.

“Aiden. Why aren’t you enjoying your engagement party?” his gruff voice asks, the tone of inconvenience on the tip of his tongue. Of course, he’s working, even as his son is getting engaged. I cross my arms before pacing over to stand behind his meeting chairs. I lean on the back of one of them and stare at him.

“Because there is nothing to enjoy. I’m being strapped down to marriage because of a business plan.”

My dad finally puts his work down and takes off his glasses. He leans back in his chair, and his arms cross over his chest. I can already tell I’m about to get an earful.

“Do you remember what this business ‘plan’ is? How important it is to the company? To yours and your sister’s futures?” I open my mouth, but he’s quick to hold up a finger.

“I have plans to retire soon. All of this is going to be yours. And a great way to start your career is to have the backing of one of the city's largest investors. Right?” He gestures to me, and I nod my head disparagingly.

“But, Dad. This isn’t just a contract signing or a mutual agreement for work. This is the rest of my life. My future children and my future wife! My work isn’t going to be my life!”

My voice is rising. I am sick of having to pretend to obey and keel over to give my dad whatever he wants. It’s been going on for way too long now.

My dad takes a long sip of his coffee. With a soft sigh, he says the words that hurt me more than a forced engagement.

“Do you really want to fail your father, again?” he asks, as though it’s a simple question.Does he really view my life as a failure?I can’t stop the flood of insecurity through my mind.

It’s quickly overthrown by anger.How darehe! I have done everything he’s asked. Now he wants me to sign away my life and calls me a failure because I won’t?”

I’m disgusted I even looked for his approval. That I still do. This constant, fruitless search for his blessing is why I can’t decide anything for myself.

Not anymore. It’s finally time to end this cycle.

My father opens his mouth to add to the overwhelming guilt trip, but I am already halfway out the door before he does.