My mother and father are elated for me. We hug many times, and I let out many tears of bliss. My mother whispers into my ear after we have our first dance as a true, married couple.

“I can see in your eyes that you love him,” she says lovingly. “It was the sAme look I saw in my own reflection when I married your father. Never lose that.”

My mother is strong enough to stand, which is something she worked on hard before the wedding. I pull her in tightly, leaning my head on her shoulder like when I was a child.

“I love you so much, Mom.”

“I love you even more, my sweetheart.”

The night progresses magically. The best man, Aiden’s friend Cameron, does his speech, and Shane gives a speech on my behalf. Everyone giggles and is uproarious, passionate about the love we share between us.

Everyone dances and talks into the night. I watch Aiden, in utter disbelief that he is my husband. He is the man who will come home to me at night, and I will come home to him. Our days will unfold into each other for eternity and certainly that comforts me to no end.

As things begin to die down, Aiden, who is a bit tipsy, once again takes my thigh in his hand. He slowly moves it upward, teasing me. He flops his head over, gazing at my lips, my eyes, my lips, and then my eyes again.

I can’t help but to smile so hard my cheeks ache.

“I can’t wait to make love to you, my wife,” he whispers.

He gives me chills. I never want that to stop.



After the dream of a wedding, my parents surprised us with a paid trip to visit the Maldives. My new wife and I were ecstatic beyond measure; this will be our first romantic getaway together as a real couple, madly in love.

It warms my heart to think that my parents have finally accepted me for being in love with Josephine. It wasn’t what they wanted the most, especially because of Ada’s parents being investors. But maybe they have grown, just like me.

Even Ada seemed to understand. I called her after I told my dad and Josephine my intentions, and we were able to have a real conversation about our past. She told me she was actually going to be moving for work, and it was probably for the best. I wished her well and she did the same.

It made it easier to enjoy my honeymoon with Josephine, having that behind me. We spend the night of our wedding making love, albeit a little tipsy, laughing and learning everything there is to know about our bodies. The sounds she makes when she finds the peak of her pleasure are as good as poetry to me.

We travel, hand in hand, on my parents private jet to our honeymoon destination. I cannot keep my hands off her. I hold onto her thigh, and she looks up at me, her lower lip sneaking under her teeth as love passes through her sage green eyes.

I never thought I would find someone as spectacular as Josephine. Someone who loves me, trusts me and cares for me. She shows it within every touch, action and look. I keep wanting to pinch myself, considering all of this just some perfect dream I am afraid to wake up from.

We get to our hut, which sits upon glistening aqua and teal shaded waters. The second our valet drops off our bags, I tip him and watch as Josephine walks to look out over the stunning scenery.

She is wearing a long, flowy, wine red summer dress. Her skin sparkles under the light. I watch as she seems to hover, the wind rustling up her dress as she gazes out with a gasp.

“Aiden, this is incredible!” she exclaims. “This place is like a damn calendar or computer screen!”

I chuckle, my heart warming with affection. I walk up behind her and slowly begin to kiss her neck. Her skin prickles, and she groans as I wrap my arms around her. Without another word, we begin to sway together as I move my lips down the swan-like nape of her neck, pushing away the bands of her dress to taste her shoulder.

“Mmm, Aiden,” she moans. “You know all the right spots, baby.”

I chuckle as I continue tenderly down her shoulders, resting my hands on her waist as we continue to sway under the hot sun. I see her chest beginning to rise and fall more languidly, the sensational curves of her cleavage calling to me like a mystical vision.

“God, your skin is so soft,” I murmur, beginning to trace my lips on her opposing shoulder. “You are a goddess in the flesh. You know that, right?”

She giggles, and my heart bursts with love.

“You can keep telling me that,” she says in a sensual tone that makes me tremble.

Josephine turns her neck to face me as I trail my mouth back up her shoulder. Our lips linger over one another, her breath shallow, catching in her throat as I whisper to her.

“I want to make love to you here, and everywhere we go, for the rest of our lives. I adore you, Josephine.”