The words are out of my mouth before I get a chance to think about them. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

It turns out I only get a brief window to greet Josephine’s mother before she falls asleep again. She seems very nice, however, albeit a bit groggy and confused. It makes my heart ache, a more poignant reminder of just everything this poor family has been through.

While she is resting, the rest of us head out for lunch a few hours later. We talk some more about the cafe on a patio, eating home style burgers and sandwiches.

Once lunch is over, I have to head into work. Josephine’s father says his goodbyes before we have a private moment to say ours.

Something comes over me, and I don’t want to leave. We linger by my car, and Josephine does something I would have never expected before.

She backs me up into the car with her hands on my waist. She pushes her body against mine, not roughly, but with a clear intention. She gazes up at me as my hands come to her face.

Her mouth opens, speaking beautifully. My name sounds like honey on her tongue.


I take her mouth in mine, and before we realize it, we are making out in broad daylight. Our enthusiasm for each other nearly completely unfolds, her breasts pressing against my chest, her mouth opening and groaning for more.

I am lost in the fog of our desire when she pulls away, smirking and licking those enchanting lips.

“I should get inside,” she says, panting.

I nod and give her one last kiss on the forehead. I rub her cheek as I whisper into her ear, watching her skin break out in goosebumps.

“I am going to miss you…”

Josephine breathes softly. She doesn’t say anything. Just kisses me again, smiling against me as she does.

“Let me know when you get home later, okay?” she asks me.

I nod, and we sadly part, holding onto fingertips as I climb into the front seat. When we finally let go, I feel a weight being placed onto my chest. It feels like a thousand pounds has been thrown upon me.

She waves goodbye as she walks to the house, and I pull out onto the street. I know she wants to spend time with her mother. But I wonder how she is truly feeling about the person who is her husband.

I wonder if she feels the same bewitching turmoil that I do.



I’m watching as Aiden pulls away and something inside me wishes he wasn’t. I miss him, and I’m not sure why it’s getting so bad lately.

His showing up to see me and wanting to check on my mother definitely isn’t helping me keep my feelings at bay, though….

Seeing how he interacts with her and my father makes it more challenging. He treats them like his in-laws, making me start to feel things I know I have no right to feel.

When all I can see is what’s left of Aiden’s tail lights, I start to turn around to head inside the house. Something catches my eye and stops me, and I notice a car start following him. I stare at it for a moment, trying to remember why it looks familiar.

I can’t move from the spot for a long minute. Something about the car and the situation feels off, and I start to feel protective of him. If he’s in danger and needs help, I can’t ignore it.

I need to warn him… But I can’t even remember why that car looks familiar. If I call and tell him I think there’s someone following him but can’t say why or how I know, he’s going to think I’m crazy…

Suddenly the realization as to why the car looks familiar clicks into place, and my heart sinks. It feels like it might pound right out of my chest when I make the connection. That car is the same exact car his ex-girlfriend, Ada, has.

I’m instantly worried sick about it. I recall Aiden telling me she works at his company now and is one of the shareholders. I can’t wrap my brain around why she could be following him like this…

What is it now? What is she planning to do this time? Was the coffee shop not enough of a scene? She needs yet another attempt at making her point? She already knows he’s mine now. Why can’t she just accept it?

At first, it angers me that she’s following him and harassing him and now bothering me, as well. But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me. I don’t think stalking is the way to go about it, but I begin to understand how losing him would mess a person up for life.