A small smile played around his exquisite mouth. ‘You know what it means.’

She nodded. ‘Yes, I’m Italian.’

‘And I’m Sicilian. Big difference, but we will speak your language for now.’

‘Whatever language we speak, I don’t want you referring to me as a...as your...’


‘Yes. I don’t like it.’

‘What do you want me to call you?’

‘Just call me Ruby.’ She didn’t mind telling him her name. In order to explain her presence here, she would have to disclose who she was.

So no harm done.


Definitely lots and lots of harm done. The way he said her name—wrapped his mouth and tongue around it in a slow caress—made her pulse leap crazily.

‘Ruby. It suits you perfectly,’ he murmured.

Against her will, his response drew her interest. ‘How do you mean?’

‘Your name matches the shade of your mouth after I’ve thoroughly kissed it. I imagine the same would apply to other parts of your body by the time we’re done.’

Her flush deepened. ‘Seriously?’

He laughed but the hunger in his eyes didn’t abate. ‘Too much?’

‘Much too much.’

He shrugged and nodded to the bar. ‘I’ll give you the reprieve you seek. But only for a little while.’

She dived behind the bar and gathered the first bottles that came to hand. Almost on automatic she replicated one of her favourite creations and slid it across the shiny surface.

He picked it up and sipped without taking his eyes off her. He rolled the drink in his mouth before his eyes slowly widened. ‘You’re very talented.’

Pleasure rushed through her. ‘Thank you.’

‘Prego.’ He threw back the rest of the drink and set the glass down with a decisive click. ‘But enough with the foreplay, Ruby. Come here.’

Heart pounding, with nowhere to hide, she approached him.

‘Give me what I want. Now.’

She debated for a tense few seconds. Then, figuring she had nothing to lose, she complied.

Her hair was thick, long and often times unmanageable. She’d spent almost an hour wrestling it into place tonight and in the end had chosen to wear it up. Her effort to straighten it would’ve worn out by now, and she couldn’t help but fidget when his gaze raked over the golden-brown tresses once, twice and over again.

‘You’re exquisite,’ he breathed after an endless moment during which her stomach churned with alien emotion. ‘Your skin is flawless and I want to drown in your eyes, watch them light up with pleasure when I take you.’

Ruby couldn’t believe mere words could create such heat inside her. Hell, everything about him made her hot and edgy.

She needed to nip this insanity in the bud before it went any further. ‘I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that something more was going to happen between us. You won’t be...taking me.’

‘Will I not?’ he asked silkily, his finger drifting down her cheek to settle beneath her chin. ‘And what makes you say that?’

‘Because you don’t really want me.’

His laugh was rich, deep and incredibly seductive.

‘Every nerve in my body disagrees with that statement. But if you need proof...’ He bent low, scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder.

His laughter increased at her outraged squeal. ‘Put me down!’

The hallway passed in a blur as he took her deeper into the suite. Her hair entangled with his long legs as he strode with unwavering purpose.

‘I don’t know what the hell you think you’re doing but I demand you put me down right—’ Her breath whooshed out of her lungs as she was dumped on a bed. A very large emperor-size bed with slate-coloured sheets and over a dozen pillows.

‘You were saying?’

She brushed her hair out of her eyes and saw him tugging off his shoes. When he unhooked his belt, she scrambled off the bed.

He caught her easily and placed her back in the centre. ‘Are you going to be a good girl and wait for me?’ Silver eyes speared her.

‘Wait for... Hell, no!’

He stepped forward and caught her chin in his hand. When his head started to descend, she jerked away. ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’

‘Capturing your attention for a moment. You don’t need to be frightened, dolce mia. Nothing will happen in this room without your consent.’

Oddly, she believed him. ‘You don’t need to kiss me to capture my attention.’

Slowly he straightened and dropped his hand. ‘Shame. Let me remind you of some ground rules before we proceed. We’re not supposed to reveal ourselves to each other. However, since you’ve done me the honour of revealing your name to me, I’ll grant you the courtesy of removing my mask. But you’ll give me your word that it will stay between us, sì?’ He started unbuttoning his shirt, revealing mouth-watering inches of golden skin.