‘Dio mio,’ he breathed.

‘You can say that again.’

‘Dio mio,’ he repeated as he sank onto his knees in front of her. ‘Please tell me I’m not dreaming?’

‘I love you, Narciso. Despite you being a horrible pain in the ass. There, does that help?’

With a groan, he rose, took her face in his hands and kissed her long and deep. ‘I’ll dedicate every single moment of the rest of my life to making you forget that incident.’

‘That sounds like a great deal.’

‘Can I also convince you to let me back Dolce Italia in any way I can?’

Despite the guilt she saw in his face, she shook her head. ‘No. It’s now a mother-daughter venture. I want to keep it that way.’

‘What about your father?’ he asked.

‘He consults...from afar. We’ll never be close but he’s my blood. I can’t completely cut him off.’

‘Prezioso, you humble me with how giving you are.’

‘You should’ve remembered that before you pushed me away.’

‘I’ve relived the hell of it every single second since I lost you.’

‘Keep telling me that and I may allow you to earn some brownie points.’

He smiled. ‘Can we discuss accumulative points?’

‘I may be open to suggestions.’

He kissed her until her heart threatened to give out.

‘Wow, okay. That could work.’

‘How about this, too?’

He reached behind him and presented her with a large leather, velvet-trimmed box. It was far too large to contain a ring but her heart still thundered as she opened it.

The mask was breathtaking. Bronze-trimmed around blue velvet, it was the exact colour of the waters of Belize. Peacock feathers sprouted from the top in a splash of Technicolor, and two lace ties were folded and held down by diamond pins.

‘It’s beautiful.’

‘It’s yours if you choose to accompany me on the next Q Virtus event.’

‘I want to know more about your super-secret club.’

A sly smile curved his lips. ‘I could tell you all the secrets, but then I’d have to make love to you for days to make you forget.’

‘Hmm, I suppose I’d just have to suffer through it.’

He laughed, pulled her close and kissed her again. She pulled away before things got heavy.

‘Tell me what you’ve done to my mother.’

‘She promised to hold the fort on condition I did everything in my power to exit this room as her future son-in-law.’

Ruby gasped. ‘She didn’t! God, first you muscle in on my opening, then you strike deals behind my back.’

‘What can I say? She drives a hard bargain.’ He pulled back and stared down at her, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. ‘So will you give me an answer?’

Her arms rose to curl over his shoulders. ‘That depends.’

‘On what?’

‘On whether white Alba truffles come with the deal.’

He pulled her close and squeezed her tight. ‘I’ll keep you supplied every day for the rest of your life if that’s what it takes, amante.’

Isla de Margarita, Venezuela

Narciso leaned against the side of the cabana and watched his wife wow the crowd with her latest range of cocktails. Although her mask covered most of her face, he could tell she was smiling.

Music pumped from the speakers strategically placed around the pool area and all around him Q Virtus members let their inhibitions fly musically and otherwise.

He raised his specially prepared cocktail to his lips and paused as the lights caught his new wedding ring.

He’d wanted a big wedding for Ruby but she’d insisted on a small, intimate ceremony at the Sicilian villa where he’d been born.

In the end, they’d settled for fifty guests including her mother, and Nicandro Carvalho and Ryzard Vrbancic, the two men he considered his closest friends.

Although they were working on their relationship, he and Giacomo had a way to go before all the heartache could be set aside.

‘So...last three bachelors standing becomes two. How the hell are Nicandro and I going to handle all these women by ourselves, huh, my friend?’

Laughing, he turned to Ryzard. ‘That’s your problem. I’m willingly and utterly taken.’ He glanced over and saw Ruby’s eyes on him. He raised his glass and winked.

Ryzard shuddered. ‘That’s almost sickening to watch.’

‘If you’re going to throw up, do it somewhere else.’

Shaking his head, his friend started to walk away, then Narciso saw him freeze. The woman who had caught his attention was dancing by herself in a corner. Although she had a full mask over her face, her other attributes clearly had an effect on Ryzard.