The second message was from her mother, asking her to get in touch. She tensed as she listened to the message again. On the surface, it sounded innocuous, a mother asking after her child. But she heard the undercurrents in her mother’s voice and the hairs on her neck stood up. The other messages forgotten, she played the message a third time.

‘What’s wrong?’ Narciso’s deep voice cut across her flailing emotions.



She glanced at him, and her heart lurched. ‘Don’t look at me like that.’

‘Like what?’

‘Like you care.’

‘I care,’ he stated simply.

She sucked in a breath. ‘How can you? You told me there was nothing beneath the surface, remember?’

She knew she was probably overreacting but the thought that her mother was reaching out to her because her father had in all likelihood had another affair made her stomach clench in anger and despair.

But unlike the numerous times before when she’d been angry with her parent, Ruby was realising just how harshly she’d misjudged her mother.

From the cocoon of self-righteousness, it’d been easy to judge, to see things in black and white. But having experienced how easy it was to lose control beneath the charisma and magnetism of a powerful man, how could she judge her mother?

Sure, she was aware that part of the reason her mother had stuck around was because she craved the fame that came with being part of a power couple. But Ruby also knew, deep down, her mother could be a success on her own.

A strong, warm hand curled over hers. Her gaze flew up to collide with silver eyes. ‘I know what I said but I want to know what’s going on anyway.’

His concern burrowed deep and found root in her heart. ‘My mother left me a message to call her.’

He nodded. ‘And this is troubling?’

‘Yes. Normally she emails. She only calls me when something...bad happens.’

‘Define bad.’

‘My father...sleeping with a sous chef, or a waitress, or a member of their filming crew. That kind of bad.’

He swore. ‘And she calls you to unburden?’

‘And to put pressure on me to join their show. She seems to think my presence will curb my father’s wandering eyes.’

His gaze remained steady on hers. ‘You don’t seem angry about it any more.’

Because he’d made her see herself in a different light: one that didn’t fill her with bitterness.

Warmth from his hand seeped through, offering comfort she knew was only temporary.

‘I’ve come to accept that sometimes we make choices in the hope that things will turn out okay. We take a leap of faith and stand by our choices. My mother’s living in hope. I can’t hate her for that.’

A flash of discomfort altered his expression. ‘How very accommodating of you.’

‘Accommodating? Hardly. Maybe I’m just worn out. Or maybe I’m finally putting myself into someone else’s shoes and seeing things from their point of view.’

‘And your father?’

‘I can’t forgive any man who toys with my...a woman’s feelings. Who exploits her vulnerabilities and uses them against her.’

His sharp glance told her the barb had hit home. ‘If you’re referring to what happened in the kitchen—’

‘I’m not.’ A lance speared her heart. ‘I think it’s best we forget about that, don’t you?’

* * *

I think it’s best we forget...

He had no idea why that statement twisted in his gut but it did long after they’d reached his underground car park and entered the lift to his penthouse. Beside him Ruby stood stiffly, her face turned away from him.

He’d expected her to protest when he’d demanded she stay with him until after his VIP dinner party.

Instead, she’d agreed immediately.

The idea that she couldn’t be bothered to argue with him made another layer of irrational anxiety spike through him.

Roughly he pushed the feeling away, meshed his fingers with Ruby’s and tugged her after him when the lift doors opened.

Paolina exited one of the many hallways of his duplex penthouse to greet him.

Despite being in her late sixties, his housekeeper was as sprightly as she’d been when he was a boy.

‘Ciao, bambino. Come stai?’

He responded to the affectionate greeting, let himself be kissed on both cheeks; allowed himself to bask in the warmth of her affection. But only for a second.

Catching Ruby to his side, he introduced her, noting her surprise as he mentioned Paolina’s name.

She turned to him as Paolina took control of their luggage and headed to the bedrooms. ‘Would this be the same Paolina who’s related to Maria?’