* * *

She woke to a silent room and a half-cold bed.

Ruby didn’t need a crystal ball to know regret played a part in Narciso’s absence. She felt equally exposed and vulnerable in the light of day at how they’d bared their pasts to each other.

But as much as she wanted to stay hidden beneath the covers, she forced herself to leave Narciso’s bed. Shoving her hand through her hair, she picked up the T-shirt she’d brazenly discarded during her seduction routine. Her ripped-beyond-redemption panties she quickly balled up in her fist.

Luckily, she met no one on the way to her own cabin.

Ten minutes later, and freshly showered, she dressed in white shorts and a sea-green sleeveless top, and opened her door to find a steward waiting outside.

‘Mr Valentino would like you to join him for breakfast on the first deck.’

Her pulse raced as trepidation filled her.

Yesterday morning hadn’t really counted as the morning after because after their shower they’d returned to bed and spent the rest of the day making love.

She entered the salon that led to the sun-dappled dining space on the deck.

Fresh croissants, coffee, juices and two domed dishes had been neatly laid out. But her attention riveted on the man flicking his finger across his electronic tablet.

‘Morning,’ she said, her voice husky.

His gaze rose and caught hers. ‘Feeling rested?’

She managed a nod and glanced around. ‘Where are we?’ The day before they’d moored at the Bay of Placencia after leaving the spectacular Blue Hole.

‘We’re just coming into Nicholas Caye. Mexico is just north of us.’

‘It’s beautiful here,’ she said, nerves eating her alive at the intense look in his eyes.

‘Sit down and relax, Ruby. It will be hard but I can just about stop myself from jumping on you and devouring you for breakfast.’

Heat shot into her cheeks. ‘That wasn’t what I was thinking,’ she blurted, then pursed her lips and pulled out a chair.

Lifting the dome, she found her favourite breakfast laid out in exquisite presentation. Along with her preferred spear of asparagus. ‘You made me Eggs Benedict?’ Why the hell was her throat clogged by that revelation?

‘I didn’t make it myself, tesoro. I’m quite useless in the kitchen.’

But he’d taken note somewhere along the way that this was her favourite breakfast meal. ‘I... Thank you.’

He snapped shut his tablet, shook out his napkin and laid it over his lap. ‘Don’t read anything into it, Ruby.’

‘You keep saying that. And yet you can’t seem to help yourself with your actions.’

He picked up his cutlery. ‘I must be losing my edge,’ he muttered.

‘Or maybe you’re rediscovering your human side?’

He smiled mockingly. ‘Now I sound like a reformed comic villain.’

‘No, that would require a lot of spandex,’ she quipped before taking a bite of the perfectly cooked eggs.

He laughed, the sound rich and deep. Ruby barely stopped the food from going down the wrong way when she glimpsed the gorgeously carefree transformation of his face. ‘You don’t think I’d look good in spandex?’ he asked drily.

‘I think you’d look good in anything. And I also believe you can do anything you put your mind to.’

He tensed and slowly lowered his knife. ‘Is there a hidden message in that statement?’

‘No...maybe. This is my first morning-after conversation. I may say things that aren’t thought through properly.’

Her gaze connected with his. An untold wealth of emotions swirled through his eyes and her stomach flipped her heart into her throat. ‘Now you’re selling yourself short. You’re one of the most talented, intelligent people I know,’ he delivered. ‘And the waters are treacherous for me, too.’

‘Really?’ she whispered.

His lids lowered, breaking the connection. ‘Sì. I think we both know we’re under each other’s skin. It’s up to us to decide what we do with that knowledge. What’s your most prized ingredient?’

‘The white Alba truffle, hands down,’ she blurted, reeling at the abrupt question. ‘Truffles make everything taste better.’

He slowly nodded. ‘Bene.’ He said nothing else and resumed eating.

Ruby felt as if she’d fallen down the rabbit hole again. The conversation felt surreal. ‘Why is that important?’

His jaw clenched slightly. ‘I need a truffles day to make me feel better.’


‘Because I can’t wrap my mind around the things I spilled to you yesterday.’

‘I didn’t force anything out of you, Narciso.’