‘I meant its sentimental value to you, of your visit here? And I’d never pawn a gift!’

‘I’m happy to hear it. As for sentiments, I prefer mine to be warm-blooded.’ He took off his mask and laid it on his knee. ‘Luckily, I have you.’

The statement sent equal parts of apprehension and excitement through her. She slowly slid the watch back onto her wrist, and watched as they approached the Pearl River. Luxury super yachts in all shapes and sizes lined the marina.

The limo drew to a stop beside a sleek speedboat and Narciso helped her out. The driver held out a leather case, its velvet inside carved in the exact shape of his mask. Narciso placed the mask inside, shut the case and handed it to the driver.

Seconds after their luggage was loaded, the pilot guided the boat towards the open river.

‘I’ve spent a lot of time asking you where we’re going but I need to ask you one more time.’

‘Don’t you trust me?’ he asked with a mockingly raised brow.


He laughed again. And again, the sound tugged deep inside.

‘We’re heading to the airport. My private jet will fly us to Belize.’

Nodding, she watched the disappearing skyline of Macau City. It’d earned its name, Vegas of the East, but there was also soul in this place, and in other circumstances Ruby would’ve loved to explore a lot more.

She turned to find him watching her. The hunger was back in his eyes, coupled with a dangerous restlessness.

‘What?’ she demanded when she couldn’t stand his intense scrutiny any longer.

‘I came here for a purpose. You succeeded in swaying me from that purpose. I intend to find out why.’

‘Was that purpose to destroy your father?’ she asked before she thought better of it.

He immediately stiffened. The breeze rushing over the water ruffled his hair. He slowly scythed his fingers through it without taking his eyes off her.

‘Among other things.’

‘But you decided to spare him at the last minute.’

‘A very puzzling notion indeed.’

Her heart hammered as his speculative gaze rested on her lips.

‘I don’t think it’s puzzling at all. I think you knew exactly what you were doing.’

His eyes narrowed. ‘And what would that be, O Wise One?’

‘You were extending the thrill of the chase, delaying the gratification of the kill blow.’

‘How very astute of you.’

‘So what were the other things?’


‘You said among other things.’

His gaze drifted down the neckline of her black tube dress, again a tighter fit than she would’ve preferred. ‘What do you think?’

‘According to online sources you have an IQ of a hundred and forty-eight.’

‘It’s closer to one-fifty but who’s counting?’

Her mouth pursed. ‘It also says you’re a rampantly rabid playboy who thinks about nothing else but the next woman he intends to sleep with. It’s a shame you’ve chosen to use all hundred and fifty to chase skirts.’

He grinned. ‘No, I only use one hundred and forty-eight. I need the other two to walk and talk.’

She rolled her eyes even though the corners of her mouth curved. The boat pulled up to a jetty, beyond which she could see several planes parked on tarmac.

Narciso’s plane was the same silver shade as his eyes, with a black trim that made it stand out among the other jets.

He lived a life of extreme luxury and decadence, while making people like her jump through hoops to claim what was rightfully theirs.

‘What’s wrong? You’re frowning.’

‘You’re asking me to spend time and energy claiming something that should be already mine. I’m trying to see the fairness in that.’

‘Something about going the extra mile? Doing whatever it takes?’ he mocked, but his eyes held a flash of warning. ‘Get on the plane, Ruby.’

‘Or what?’

‘Or you lose everything. Because I won’t renegotiate and I despise being thwarted.’

Her feet remained leaden. Her instinct warned her she wouldn’t emerge unscathed if she went with him.

‘Is this how you do business? You strike a deal, you renegotiate, then you renege?’ he demanded.

‘Of course not. I’m only here because your company reneged on the deal it struck with me!’

‘A fact I’m yet to verify. The quicker you get on the plane, the quicker this can be resolved.’

She had no argument against that. And the reality was she’d come too far to turn back. And there was the small problem of Simon’s loan shark lurking in the background.

Taking a deep breath, she started to mount the steps. Recalling something he’d said, she twisted and nearly collided with his lean, muscular frame. The steadying hand he threw around her waist burned through to her skin. This close, without the hindrance of his mask, she could see how his envy-inducing cheekbones and long eyelashes framed his impossibly handsome face.