Page 82 of Wood You Marry Me?

I followed Remy’s light jog up the hill back toward the cabin with one forearm banded across my boobs the whole way. They weren’t big by any means, but jogging naked sans bra was probably the most uncomfortable thing I’d ever done. What a pair we made, jogging up a hill with our bits swinging around in the sunshine.

We made it up the ridge and headed toward the trail that ran behind Henri’s house unseen. Now all we had to do was loop around the property. At least on the trail, we had good coverage, then we’d head down toward the cabin. Once we did that, we’d be home free.

If only we were so lucky. Because at that moment, the stars aligned to ensure maximum humiliation. As we circled Henri and Alice’s house so we could hit the trail, what should appear, but a truck. Filled with Henri, Alice, Tucker, and Goldie, the last of whom rolled down her window to wave hello to her aunt and uncle.

I screamed. Full-on screamed, diving behind a massive pile of split logs. Inside the house, the dogs were howling, probably worried a murder was taking place. I crouched down, praying that this was all a hallucination due to too much time in front of my computer, or maybe too much of Loraine’s banana bread.Please, God, I thought to myself,please do not let my brother- and sister-in-law, who I really respect, have seen me naked. And please do not let me have traumatized their children with my nudity and bad judgment.

Tires came to an abrupt stop on gravel, and then a car door slammed.

“What the fuck?”

“Henri. Language.” Alice’s principal voice was terrifying.

“Sorry. Remy, what the fudge are you doing jogging down my driveway naked?”

From my vantage point behind the log pile, I could see Remy standing in front of Henri with his hands in front of him, probably to cover himself, while Alice hustled the kids into the house.

“It’s a long story.”

“And did I see Hazel?”

Like the complete and total coward I was, I remained hidden and didn’t make a peep, knowing Remy, wonderful husband that he was, wouldn’t sell me out. I’d just wait here until Henri left so I could sprint home, or until I died of shame, whichever happened first. Good plan. Solid work, Hazel.

A door creaked open, then the dogs were running, collars jangling. And then they were on me, licking me and making this entire situation even more awkward.

“She is here,” Henri said, turning around like a gentleman.

“Here.” Alice chortled, handing Remy a towel. “Cover up. And I’ll leave this bathrobe on top of the woodpile. Just in case anyone needs it,” she said loudly as I cowered in shame.

Alice was the kind of woman I looked up to. Fun and mature and hilarious, with a giant heart. I desperately wanted to be her friend, and right now, it was not looking so good.

“Thank you,” I squeaked, pulling the robe down and wrapping it around myself. Of course it was buttery soft and probably expensive. Alice had fantastic style.

Standing, I straightened the belt and lifted my chin, mustering the courage to act like an adult, and came face to face with my sheepish husband, sporting a pink towel around his waist, and Alice and Henri, laughing hysterically.

“This was Clive’s fault,” Remy said.

“An elderly moose ate your clothes off your body? Both of you? And you lived to tell the tale?” Normally serious Henri wiped tears from his eyes.

Alice was slapping her leg and practically hyperventilating. “He’s a bastard, but you seriously expect us to believe that? Were you fooling around in the woods? I get it. Henri and I—”

Henri wrapped an arm around her shoulders and put one of his massive hands over her mouth, shutting her up before she could dish the details. “That’s enough outta you,” he said, dragging her toward the house. “We’ve got to go try and explain this to our kids. Please go home and put clothes on.”

I nodded, mentally preparing to never look either of them in the eye again for as long as I lived. We said our goodbyes and walked back to the cabin in silence.

“I am going to murder that moose,” I finally said as we climbed the porch steps. “Make him into jerky and chew on him just for fun.”

“Nah. This is one of those stories we’ll laugh about forever and tell our grandkids someday.”

We both froze, side by side on the front porch. Remy’s eyes were wide with panic. We had made a firm pact not to talk about the future. Not to put pressure on whatever this was. To enjoy the now.

Which hadn’t been a problem for Remy. He was Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky who lived in the present. And apparently, while I tiptoed around thinking about what would happen after next year, making light of the future wasn’t an issue for him.

“Sorry,” he said. “Bad joke.”

I nodded, feeling more naked than I had behind that woodpile. But I’d have to shake it off. Because for the first time in my life, I was focusing on my needs and having fun. I didn’t want this to end.

But as fun as it was to live in denial, I knew the hurt would come. Because I was so deeply attached to him already. But I had no choice. A deal was a deal.