Gemini is sitting on the couch, a beer in his hand, watching some sort of truck program on my TV. It’s not big, but I paid for it with my own money. Besides, I only have it on when the guys are over.Which is all of the time. Maybe I should get a bigger one for them. I’ve got the funds.I just couldn’t see buying a big one at first, thinking I’d rarely use it.

He looks up, and when his eyes land on me, they light up, “You look beautiful, as always.”

His words make a smile break out on my face. He really does think that. He’s seen me at some of my worst moments, and he’s always told me how beautiful I am.

“Thank you.” I walk over to him, and bend down for a quick peck of our lips. He’s having none of that though. Once I’m within arm’s length, he pulls me down, so my ass is on his groin and I’m sitting across his lap.

Gemini’s mouth claims mine. His tongue sweeps in, and the urgency in his kiss reflects the passion he’s recently brought into our relationship.

“Get your jacket and keys to go meet Orin,” Gemini whispers against my lips, then lets me go, helping me stand, his hand on my hip until I’m steady.

Gemini and Orin got tickets to a football game, and they’re taking me while Jonas stays home with Zander. I take my coat from Jonas and give him a hug, my growing baby bump touching him before any other part of me.

His lips touch mine, and his tongue comes out to trace the seam of my lips, seeking entrance. I don’t hesitate to give it to him, parting mine and darting my tongue out to sweep through his mouth and tangle with his.

“So hot,” I hear Jonas whisper, his lips a breath from mine. It makes me smile, because I absolutely agree.

“Be good and have fun,” Jonas says, giving my ass a playful squeeze, and turning me to Gemini waiting by the front door.

“Bye, lion,” I say, using a recent nickname for him, accompanied by a wink.

Hand in hand with Gemini, we go out to his truck and he helps me in, then gets in the driver’s side, and sets us on our way to the stadium. Orin is meeting us there.

After finding a parking spot, we enter the stadium. Orin is waiting for us just on the other side of the gate, and security staff checks our bags and tickets.

Finding our seats with them on each side of me, we sit and wait for the game to start. It’s a televised game, and even though I don’t really care about football, I’m just happy to be spending time with them.


At halftime, the kiss cam goes around to different people in the crowd, and then it lands on me, Orin, and Gemini.

My cheeks flame, and I don’t know what to do. They don’t seem to have the same problem. Each brother gives me an exaggerated kiss at the same time on my cheeks, and the crowd goes wild. Catcalls erupt around us. Now, I’ve got to be as red as a tomato, and the kiss cam moves on.

My phone dings with a text, and I check it, seeing it’s from Jonas.

All it says is, ‘HOT’.

I know he saw that, at home on the television. Just knowing that, it makes all my embarrassment worth it.

26 Final Puzzle Piece

Heaven by Kane Brown

Withmyheartpoundingaway in my chest like a stampede of wild horses, Gemini trails his fingertips down the line of my spine.

What if I really am bad at this, and Steven was right? I don't want to be a lousy bed partner. Though the other two didn’t seem to think so.

Drawing me into the comfort of his arms, he tucks me close to him, so his mouth brushes the shell of my ear. The movement of his lips sends tingles of pleasure through me.

“Breathe, Heather,” Gemini whispers.Why am I so nervous with him when I wasn’t this bad with the other two?

My panic rises when he slips his index finger into the waistband of my jeans teasingly, with a back-and-forth motion. My stomach has a little pooch to it now with my growing baby inside me.

Of all the things I could panic about, it's the fact that I haven't shaved my legs. Steven required me to shave every single day. I’ve just been too tired to keep up with it, on top of everything else.

Now, I'm regretting that lack of motivation.

Gemini must sense my panic, because he pulls back. His eyes bounce back and forth between mine as his eyebrows pull together in concern.