“Good. I’ll come to you instead of going to boy's night. Stay inside and lock the doors. I’ll be there in ten.” I hang up, and call out to a fellow patrolman.

“Can I get an APB on this plate?” I scribble down the plate number and rip the paper off the pad at my desk, handing it over. When I knew I wanted Heather to be a permanent part of my life I was sure to memorize not only her plate but Jaz’s as well. “Let me know the location if you find it.” I say on the fly as I move toward the exit.

My phone rings, and I see it’s Kyle.

“I just got off the phone with Heather. What do we know?” I’m not wasting any time. With Steven out there breaking into houses, and Nora’s stalker still on the loose, any number of things could have happened to Jaz.

“Not much. Heath is checking her location on her car or phone. I’m headed to Heather’s now. What’s your ETA?” Kyle relays.

“I’m out,” I say getting into my personal vehicle.

“Meet you there,” Kyle says, and the line goes dead.

I get in, and probably break a few rules while driving to Heather’s apartment.I don’t care. I’ll pay the ticket if I get pulled over.

Parking next to Jaz’s car, I get out and Kyle doesn’t even waste time parking in a spot. He parks right behind and jumps out, slamming his door.

“Heath says Jaz is at I-10 and Broadway. The car’s description matches Heather’s,” Kyle says, jogging over to me. We go up to the door and I knock in a typical cop fashion, hard and intentional, out of habit.

Nora opens the door letting us in. I only have concern for Heather, and don’t stop until I’ve got her secured against me, where I know she’s safe. My heart is pounding in my chest, because Heather’s car is far from of a number of closer grocery stores. There’s no reason for her to have gone there.Unless she had a different reason.

Kyle checks his phone and says, “Heath says the police are getting pings of her phone in the same place as Steven’s.” His eyes lock with mine and I pull my phone out, calling the station. Heath is Jaz’s boss. I move to go outside so I can spare Heather what I’m about to say, but she tries to come with me. I gently guide her to sit on her couch, then share a knowing look with Kyle and head out her front door.

Or she was forced.

“I’m sure she’s fine. It looks like she took your car. But just in case, I had an APB sent out including her name and phone number, in case anyone comes along. I’ve sent some patrol cars out there to check it out.” I try to ease some of Heather’s worry. Her petite body is shaking, and I don’t want her too stressed, and end up hurting her or the baby.

“Why would she take my car? Why was she meeting with Steven? She hates him,” Heather says, confusion written all over her face.

“Something in their text thread must have given where and who she’s meeting with away. Did she say anything else you can think of? Even the smallest thing could help,” I question.

“She was saying something about Steven texting Heather earlier,” Nora says.

I pick up Heather’s phone and scroll through her texts trying to get more information. I go into the last text thread. It’s from her soon-to-be-ex.

There are several from Steven that have gone unanswered, until about an hour ago. All but one.

“When did you send this?” I ask Heather, turning the screen toward her so she knows what I’m talking about.

Shaking her head, she says, “I didn’t send that.”

“It was Jaz. Earlier, when you went to the bathroom, after your ex was pestering you, she must have sent him other texts, and then deleted them before we got back,” Nora says her face ashen.

I’ve got a bad feeling in my gut about this.

I connect with the station, but they’re two minutes out still. Though, other reports of gunshots are coming in from her location. I hang up, and press call on my brother's number.

“Hey man, where you at?” Orin greets me.

“Development. Jaz is missing and Heather’s freaked. It’s not looking good for Jaz’s situation. Get here. Now,” I clip out, losing some of my composure.

“Got it, we’ll drop Zander at Mom and Dad’s,” he pauses, saying something to Jonas in the background, “take care of her until we get there, brother.” Then the lines dead.

I go back in and go right to Heather, kneeling down before her.

“Orin and Jonas are on their way; they should be here soon. Jonas is dropping Zander off with my parents,” I try to soothe her, running my hands up and down her upper arms.

She nods but I can tell she’s not coping well, so I gather her in my arms and settle on the couch with her in my lap, offering the only comfort I can right now. Me.