“Thanks.” The smile on her face lights up my world. Just like I know it does my brothers and Jonas’.

Trying to turn my thoughts from the grim road they were on to happier things, I slide up next to Zander, seated at the coffee table in the living room.

“Whatcha’ got there, little man?” I look at his drawing of stick figure people, with a bright sun in the corner, and green along the bottom.

“It’s a picture of my family. I’m almost done. I’ve justgot puteveryone’s names.” With his little tongue sticking out, Zander picks up a red crayon and starts scribbling above the stick people. He’s smart for a four-year-old. Heather said his speech was delayed but with the help of his speech therapists, he’s come a long way since even I met him.

I’m sure leaving the house his father ran with an iron fist has helped tremendously. It’s hard to grow in a stifling environment.

Heather comes to the opening of the living room and brings me a beer. She’s always doing little things like this that show us she appreciates and cares for us. Taking it from her, I reach up with my other hand, and hold the back of her neck to prevent her from moving away from me.

Her body stiffens up, and I give her as long as she needs to relax and realize that I’m not going to hurt her. She doesn’t do it as much anymore, but every now and then she struggles. The tension moves out from under my hand, and I pull her closer so that I can whisper, “Thank you, pumpkin.” Then I give her a kiss on her cheek.

“Ew! Goss!” Zander makes a disgusted face, and jumps up from the coffee table while absentmindedly handing me his drawing.

I look down and see that he’s labeled him and his mom with scribbles done in blue. Then the other three stick figures each have more scribbles in green over them. Right then and there, I know that I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he and his mom have the best life I can give them.

When I look up, I catch Heather worrying her lower lip between her teeth.

“I’m so sorry—” Not wanting to hear her apologize for something that has touched me so deeply, I cut her off by standing and heading straight to the fridge. I take one of the magnets and put Zander’s picture front and center. She follows me, leaning her shoulder on the wall that separates the open kitchen from the living room. I look her in the eyes and let her see the emotions swirling in them, so there’s no mistake about how that made me feel.

Having made my statement, I go back to the living room, walking past Heather I place a kiss on the top of her head and continue on, where I help Zander clean up his mess so we can wash up before dinner. I look over my shoulder and see tears in her eyes before she turns and heads into the kitchen. She should know better but in case she still doesn’t get it, I’m going to prove to her just what the family we’re building means to me.


The credits on the movie roll, I look over to see both Zander and his mom crashed out. I get up and pause the TV before lifting Zander in my arms, carrying him to his bed. I make sure he’s tucked in and leave the door cracked, then I go back out to the living room to his mom.

“Come to bed, pumpkin,” I whisper, brushing some hair back from her face with the tips of my calloused fingers.

She stirs but doesn’t fully wake as she turns her head, kissing the inside of my wrist. I gather her in my arms carrying her bridal style to her bedroom. Her arm comes up to rest on the curve of my neck and her head lays on my shoulder.

Even with her being pregnant, granted she’s not even showing yet, it’s as if she weighs nothing in my arms. Her silky platinum locks fall over my arm, bringing my attention to other soft parts of her delectable body.

Gently with my foot, I kick her door mostly closed, and lay her down on the bed, pulling the covers out from under her with half her weight still in my arms.

Her arms loop further around my neck, pulling me into her where her soft lips catch mine. Her tongue comes out to wet her lips, licking mine in the process. I let her lead this, seeing where it goes. I’m in no rush and am willing to wait as long as she needs to break this barrier in our relationship.

Her elegant, slender hand reaches between us, and I check to make sure she knows what she’s doing, “Pumpkin, you awake?”

Her emerald green eyes open, looking into the depths of my soul. Speaking to me like no woman ever has or ever will. All without saying a single word.

“Yes,” she says, briefly parting her lips from mine. I track her tongue as it darts out and wets her lips. Something I’d love to do for her. Thankfully, she pulls my mouth back to hers and devours me like a woman starved. I suppose, in several ways, she has been.

I’d love to take my time, but she’s not allowing that. Her hands are all over me, on my ass, pulling my hips into hers, amping up my arousal. The hold I have on myself is quickly snapping with each new touch or stroke of her petite hands.

When she finds my dick in my boxers, I can’t hold back anymore.

“I can’t take this slow. If you want it slow you’ve got to stop,” I breathe heavily into her neck as she continues to pump her tight fist around my cock.

“I don’t want slow,” her sultry voice hits me right in my dick, making it throb. Who knew I’d ever be taken back to a time when I was a novice teenage boy having my first sexual encounter? That’s how I feel now. My nerves are high and my ability to hold off my own orgasm is rapidly dwindling by the second.

Fuck it.

I reach between us, freeing my dick from my boxers before moving her panties to the side and taking over, lining myself up with her pussy.

“Be sure,” I say, looking into her eyes, and searching for the smallest hint of opposition. I don’t find any, so I ever so slowly dip inside her heat until I’m fully rooted.

Arching the delicate line of her neck, she wraps her legs around my waist, pulling me closer.