I pull back, and the look in his eyes tells me it means just as much to him. I ride him slowly, letting the experience of connecting with my partner to sweep over me. Letting it wash my previous encounters with Steven away, making them a thing of my past.

It’s such a healing and cathartic moment that tears escape my eyes, and Jonas lifts his hands to cradle my face. He brings me down to him and kisses me tenderly, somehow knowing what this is for me. I continue to work my hips, riding him until I’m so overcome with everything, that I fly high, and my orgasm clicks pieces of my tormented soul back where they belong.

Jonas’ mouth leaves mine, and he dips my face into the crook of his neck, letting out a drawn-out groan as he follows me with his own release.

He slips from me, and tucks me into his side so I’m half on him, and this time I’m asleep within seconds.


Jonas, Zander, and I walk up the steps, hand in hand, with Zander between us. We’re here to file the restraining order against Steven, under the ruse of Zander having a tour from Gemini. It’s really his day off, and after, we’re going to the park to have a picnic and let Zander play.

Jonas holds open the door for us, and Zander tries to drag me in, since I’m not moving fast enough for him. Gemini is waiting for us in the lobby area and when Zander sees him, he yells, “Gem!” running up to him. Gemini gives his hair a ruffle, and then he picks him up, giving me a look that says he’ll take care of my boy while Jonas and I file the order of protection. He strides through a pair of double, glass doors. Into an area with oodles of desks, officers and people alike, all milling about or sitting at desks doing various tasks.

Knowing Zander is in good hands, I turn my focus to the task at hand. Jonas checks us in, and we sit down to wait for our turn. We don’t wait long, only about five minutes, and a uniformed officer comes out to lead us to his office, so I can file my report and get the order issued.

Jonas is amped up, if his intense and alert behavior is anything to go by. Steven breaking in last night must have affected him more than I realized at the time.

“You okay?” I ask as we follow along behind the officer. Reaching out I find Jonas’ hand with my own. He grabs hold, offering a reassuring squeeze.

“I’ll be glad when that poor excuse of a man legally can’t come near you or Zander anymore,” Jonas says through gritted teeth.

It will be a relief to know that I’ll have the law on my side, but I’m sad that I’ll be taking Zander’s dad away from him, even if it’s only a short time until we can come to a mutual agreement.

Jonas corroborates the events of last night, and I go over everything I can think of to help my case. Not that I need it. It’s pretty clear I’m going to get it, based on last night's incident alone. Add it on top of the previous time Steven trespassed, and it’s a sealed deal.

After we’re done, we go back out and wait. Soon after we sit down, Gemini comes out with Zander on his shoulders with a huge grin on his perfect little face.

“Mama, look I’m a real junior police officer!” Zander shouts. He puffs out his chest, showing me a shining badge pinned to his shirt.

“Wow! Now we have two officers in the house!” I say with a huge smile on my face. His joy is so infectious that I can’t help it.

We all go out to the parking lot, and Gemini moves Zander’s car seat into the front passenger seat of a police cruiser so he can get the full experience, while Jonas and I get into his car. Gemini moves Zander and his seat into the back in his car seat before they leave, leading the way to the park. Jonas and I get all the stuff out of the trunk for our picnic.

We set up and eat, then we all play with Zander on the gym equipment until my stomach starts cramping again, and I have to sit on our blanket under the big tree. Jonas and Zander continue to play, and Gemini comes over and sits with me. I lay back, hoping the reclined position will help with the cramping.

“Steven posted bond this morning,” Gemini says, not wasting time beating around the bush.

I sigh, not expecting any less from my vile husband. He’s always let his money do the hard lifting for him.

“I’m not surprised. At least now I have recourse when he comes around again,” I say, knowing that it will eventually happen.

“Did you cramp like this with Zander?” Gemini asks, putting his hand on my lower abdomen. It’s warm and helps ease the pain a bit.

“I did, but this seems a bit worse,” I lay my hand over his to keep it there. He lays down next to me on one elbow.

“Do you think you should see a doctor?”

“I have an appointment in two weeks, I’ll be eight weeks along if my calculations are correct. They usually don’t see you before that,” I say so he doesn’t worry. Even if the cramping means something is wrong, there’s not much to be done at this stage.

17 Not my Blood

My Boy by Elvie Shane Orin

It’smynightwithHeather and Zander. Gemini has night shifts for the next week so that means Jonas and I are rotating nights. We don’t like leaving her alone since her fucked up husband broke into the apartment. If we both have our nights free, we stay with Heather and Zander, treating it like a sleepover. Movies and popcorn are always part of the festivities.

“Can you keep an eye on Zander while I get dinner started?” Heather asks in a timid voice. I can’t wait for the day when she no longer asks us things like this without fear in her voice.

“Of course, pumpkin. I’m always happy to be with little man.” I smile because it’s true.How that fuck of an ex could ever harm her or bring that shit into their kid's life is beyond me.