In less than five minutes, Orin is walking through the automatic doors with a plastic bag in hand. He gets into the truck and tucks the bag in the seat between us, then makes the quick journey to my apartment.

Jonas, Jaz, and Zander are just leaving the zoo with Jonas and Zander picking up dinner on their way home, for us, minus Jaz, including Gemini who texted me that he’s done all he can on the case and is headed home to my apartment. Jaz had other plans, so she went on her merry way alone.

I’m sure they all want to be there when I get the results of the test, so I text them to tell me when they’re five minutes out. It gives me time to do the test, and for it to process.

Orin parks in my designated place, and then we get out with him grabbing the bag.

Once we’re both inside, I go to my room to change, and Orin goes to the kitchen to get plates for everyone, that way we can eat as soon as they get here, and we know the results.

In my gut, I know what it’s going to say, but I need the physical proof.

Enclosing myself inside the bathroom, I pull the test out and discard the wrapping in the trash. It’s a good thing I have to go, or this might be a drawn-out process.

I’ve never been so nervous about peeing on a stick.

When I’m done, I put the cap on the end and wash my hands before setting a three-minute timer on my phone.

Leaving the test behind, I go out to see if Orin needs help. I can’t sit here and wait, or I’ll go mad.

“Need help with anything?” I ask, wringing my hands together in front of me.

Orin looks up from the makings of a sandwich, and upon seeing my anxiety he stops, coming around to me.

Enveloping me in the safety and warmth of his body, he holds me. Nothing else. I’m not even aware I needed this so badly. I hug him back, burying my face in his chest. On a deep breath, I take in his heady male scent, letting it calm me.

The front door swings open, Jonas and Gemini practically storm in. They see me holding onto Orin and their faces close down. Zander comes up to me with a huge smile on his face.

“Mama! Look!” he holds up a toy lion before he zooms down the hall to his room where I hear him start to play with his new toy.

“What’s the result?” Gemini asks, some of his trepidation leaking into his voice.

“We don’t know yet,” Orin says over my head.

The timer goes off on my phone and every one of us looks in its direction, not able to move.

Jonas snatches up the noisy phone and turns the alarm off, “Where is it?” his voice is deep and thick, with barely held-back emotions that I can’t quite place.

“Bathroom counter,” I force out of my tight throat.

I close my eyes, turning my head into Orin’s chest once more, and Gemini comes up behind me, making me the middle of a Daron brother sandwich.

Jonas’ footsteps seem loud in the otherwise deafening silence of my apartment. I peek out from Orin’s chest to the vision of him coming down the hall, test in hand, looking down at it.

Before he tells us the results he says, “No matter what the results are or how you feel about them, it won’t change anything between us. Got me?” His face reveals nothing about the results, but his words have some of the anxiety leaking out of my body, like a slow leak in a tire.

“Same goes for me,” Gemini’s deep voice rumbles behind me.

“I didn’t think it needed to be said, but that applies to me too,” Orin says, kissing the top of my head.

Feeling better about where they stand, I ask Jonas, “What’s the test say?”

“Positive,” that one little word makes my entire world stop for what seems like an eternity, and then speed up into overdrive to catch up.

I don’t feel as much trepidation about it as I thought I was going to, though. Other than having to deal with Steven over another child, I’m actually happy to be giving Zander a sibling.

14 My Wife
