“It isn’t,” I say, still dazed. Not wanting to accept I might be pregnant until I can find out for sure this is what’s happening.

“Then how are you late? It’s just after six,” he says, checking the time on his smartwatch.

“My period,” is all I can force out. I don’t want to give voice to things until I know for sure. But I don’t need to.

My words make Jonas's concerned gaze sharpen and lower to my stomach, where I find my hand pressed but don’t remember doing.

“Okay, do you need me to go get you a test?” He offers.

“Test?” I ask stupidly.

“Yeah, a test so that we can know for sure,” he says patiently.

Fuck. I have to take a test. I don’t want to. I want to stick my head in the sand and pretend that this isn’t happening. But I can’t. Because even though I didn’t want him to touch me, and I don’t want another baby right now, I still have to be an adult and deal with the consequences of my, hopefully, soon-to-be ex-husband's actions.

“Umm… No. I’ll get one after my appointment.” Finally, I look up into his mesmerizing hazel eyes, finding nothing but support and concern for me. He’s not worried that I might be pregnant with another man's child. But he’s concerned forme.

I go back out and give Orin a look before settling down and finishing my breakfast while he cleans up the kitchen, and Jonas helps Zander get ready to spend the day with his Aunt Jaz. While they’re in Zander’s room, I reveal what’s going on.

“It’s okay. No matter what happens we’re here for you and Zander. You’ll have our full support,” He pulls me in for a tight hug that helps to calm some of my fears.

13 Difficult Divorce

Like That by Bea Miller

Twistingmyhairupinto a sleek chignon, I expertly secure it with bobby pins, and check my handy work in the mirror. The woman who used to hide behind a mask peers back at me, yet is different. There’s a light in my eyes that Steven made to extinguish years ago. The guys have been slowly tending it, stoking the flame, and bringing it back to life.

I just hope that the new possible development doesn’t derail the budding relationship we’re all building. Pressing my hand to my stomach to try and quell the butterflies fluttering about, I turn from my reflection and dress quickly in a cream blouse with black slacks. My hair and outfit are simple, yet elegantly sophisticated.

With nothing left to do, I open the bathroom door to Zander’s giggles coming from the living area.

“No! Mama save me from the T-Rex!” Zander screeches racing toward me.

Jonas stomps after him at a much slower pace, pretending to be a fearsome dinosaur with his hands up by his snarling face.

“Oh, no!” I play along stepping in front of him, making the best impression of a dino roar I can. Jonas pretends to quiver in fear, and turns tail to run away from the fierce mommy dinosaur protecting her baby.

Zander erupts into a fit of giggles, and zooms around me to chase after Jonas. The way they interact makes me wish, if I am pregnant, that it was one of theirs. I know that may be wrong, and I carry guilt for having the thought, but that’s the thing about emotions. They’re messy and can often be conflicting. We just have to do our best to sort them out in healthy and productive ways.

Detouring to my room to grab my heels, I flick the light off and pull the door mostly closed before I go out to the couch to sit and put my practical, black pumps on.

Zander runs up to me, wrapping his arms around my thighs and bidding me goodbye, “Bye! Have fun with Orin!” Then he zooms off to Jonas, and lets him help tie his shoes. They’re going to the zoo today, while Orin and I are at my lawyer's office.

We both say our goodbye’s, and while Orin has Zander distracted, Jonas comes up to me, wrapping me up in his warmth.

“It’s all going to work out. Don’t let that fucker get to you. Lean on Orin if you need to, that’s why he’s going. You’ve got the best lawyer around, mama,” he whispers quickly, then gives me a firm kiss on the lips, before he pulls away. Just in time too, because Zander comes running up, jumping up and down in his excitement to leave.

“Let's go! Let's go! Lets! Go!” He shouts, pulling Jonas along toward the front door.

We all trudge out the door, and Orin locks up before following as the caboose.

Getting in our respective vehicles, we part ways, with me waving bye from the front passenger seat of Orin’s truck.

The drive is easy and quick. Before I realize it, Orin is pulling into the parking lot of a big building with a wall of glass windows. The landscaping is immaculate, and there are lots of fancy, expensive cars parked throughout the lot. There’s even a flashy-looking motorcycle parked in one of the reserved spots for the lawyers.

We get out and go into the lobby to check-in, and are given directions to the appropriate floor, along with client passes so we don’t get stopped by security.

We walk over to the elevator and he presses the call button while I wring my hands together. In the elevator, Orin pulls me into him and lets me draw from his strength while he comforts me.