I like it, but don’t let myself fully accept it. I don’t want to get too close when things go bad. I’ve no doubt they will. I have too much baggage, not to mention that I’m now a single mother.

Lucky for me, I’ve learned to enjoy the good while it lasts, but keep my guard up for the inevitable fall.

Not really caring about the movie, the warmth provided by the two men on each of my sides allows my exhaustion to finally overcome me. I fall asleep, peacefully for once, with my head on Gemini’s shoulder, Jonas holding my hand, and Orin massaging my foot.


I vaguely recognize that I’m being moved, but I’m so warm and tired that I don’t care since the touch is gentle. I let myself drift back down into the oblivion of sleep, with the help of a steady swaying motion.

Next thing I know, I’m set down and my head is resting on a firm, yet comfortable surface. A comforting arm goes around me, pulling me into a warm body.

I manage to peer up through blurry eyes at a blond head of hair, before it bends down and kisses my hair.

“Go back to sleep, mama,” Jonas’ rich, deep voice coaxes me. I don’t fight his advice, and I sink back down into unconsciousness.

Voices rouse me once more, but just enough that I’m floating between being awake and thinking this is a dream. A very unexpected dream, but one I don’t dare allow, not even in the recesses of my heart, to wish for.

“So, we’re all in agreement then?” The deep rumble comes from off to the front right of me.

“Yes,” someone says from the front left.

“Absolutely,” Jonas says, with a muted rumble. I like the way his voice travels along my skin, and then just when I think it’s done, hits me right in my core. I hope I’m not too damaged for them.

I wonder what they’re agreeing to.It’s not enough to pull me fully awake, so I let the thought drift from my mind, and go back to the dream conversation.

“She's going to be resistant. But we can’t back off.” Front left again.

“His son is amazing. How that fucker could have such beauty and not give a damn is incomprehensible,” I feel Jonas say against me. It makes me snuggle deeper into him and wrap my arm over his chiseled stomach. His body stiffens momentarily, but then relaxes when I settle.

I don’t hear anymore, and slip back down into a deeper sleep.

11 How It Is

I Get To Love You by RUELLE

Afewdayshavepassed since the BBQ at Nora’s, Zander and I have fallen into a nice pattern with Gem, Orin, and Jonas, becoming a regular part of our lives. It’s nice, except that I can tell Zander is getting attached to them. I don’t want it to continue, and for him to get hurt if things don’t work out like I hope they will. Plus, with Steven’s threat hanging over my head, I’m not willing to put Zander’s custody at risk.

So, to combat that, I’m going to sit them down tonight after dinner and let them know that I don’t want them coming around as often, and need to create some distance between us.

Nervous about confronting them, I tuck Zander in and give his dark hair a kiss, “Night, baby,” I say with my voice full of love.

He lets out a yawn, and says a garbled, “Night, mama.” Then, he turns on his side, his preferred way to sleep, and tucks his hands under his little cheek, drifting off with ease.

Exiting his room, I look back at my reason for living, and turn out his light before leaving his door cracked, in case he needs me. Most nights since we left, he sneaks into my bed and we cuddle, needing support even in our sleep.

I let him, because I know some day he’s not going to come crawling in my bed, and he’ll think I’m not cool.I dread that day.

So, working up my courage and tamping down on my trepidation, I walk out to the living room to the three of them in the living space, watching a ball game on the TV.

Moving to stand on the far side of the coffee table, I pick at my nails in a nervous habit that drove Steven to anger in a flash. It’s abnormal behavior for me, and rivets their attention to me instantly.

“You okay, baby?” Gem asks, his brows drawing in with concern.

“I have something I want to talk to you all about, but it’s giving me anxiety,” I surprise myself by blurting out the truth.

“Alright, pumpkin. We’re listening, and we’re not going to hurt you for voicing your thoughts to us,” Orin reassures me.

“Mama, you’ve got nothing to be afraid of from us,” Jonas adds.