The Other Side by RUELLE

Myeyesflutteropen,and the white walls of the hospital room fill my vision. The only light is from a crack in the bathroom door. I don’t remember much after I was admitted. They gave me some really good pain medication, and it made me drowsy.

Vague pictures of a woman whose eyes held a knowing offer of kindness, filters through my head, and Zander being comforted by her. I think there was a blonde doctor that helped ease the process of getting admitted, but I can’t be sure that my mind didn’t make most, if not all, of that up.

Turning over so that I can get into a more comfortable position, I move very carefully so as not to cause any flares of the already existing pain in my body.

“Here, I’ll help,” Gemini’s voice startles me, and I watch him get up from the chair. I didn’t realize he was still here.

Wait, if he’s here, who has Zander?!

“Zander?” I croak as pain lances my throat.

“He’s okay. Jaz took him. She's going to trade off with my brother and Jonas until you’re well enough to go home,” he explains.

My body sags with relief. I know Jaz will take good care of my baby. She loves him almost as much as I do.Maybe more. The memory of her showing up at the house flashes through my mind but it’s fuzzy, and I can’t remember all that happened.

Gemini leans over, his heady, male scent enveloping me as he kisses my forehead gently, “How are you feeling?” His whisper floats over my skin, and a sense of home embeds itself deep in my chest. I close my eyes, thankful that I’m not alone anymore.

“Tired. Sore. Thirsty,” I whisper back to him.

“I’ll help you move, then go get you some water,” he moves back and helps me readjust.

I watch as he grabs the plastic, water pitcher and goes to the door. With his hand on the door, he looks back at me, and I watch this strong man fight for control to not fall apart in front of me.

“I’m okay,” I lift my voice, so I know he hears me.

A not-so-convincing smile briefly crosses his face, then he goes out to get my water. I let my mask of bravery fall and rest my head back on my pillow, closing my eyes to block out reality. The hospital sheets are scratchy on my skin compared to the ones at the house. I love them.

I’d take crappy, hospital sheets over all the luxuries, if it gets me and my son out from under Steven and his torment.

I’ll trade it all for peace.

For safety.


The jiggle of the door handle has me slipping my mask back into place so that no one knows the true depth of my mental wounds. There's not much I can do about hiding the physical ones right now. Lifting my head, I look expectantly at the door but avoid looking into his all-perceptive gaze.

Gemini comes in with the pitcher, pours water into a cup, and then hands it to me.

I reach out to take it, his hand warm under mine, but he doesn’t let go. Against my will, my eyes lift to his, and I know I’ve failed at pulling the wool over his eyes. My cold fingers overlap his warm, strong ones, and his eyes sharpen on mine when they tremble. He helps me lift it to my lips, and slowly, tips it up so I can drink the chilled water.

Our eyes stay locked the entire time. I'm afraid if I look away, he’ll disappear and be nothing more than wisps of smoke.

My throat gets instant relief, and my mouth is washed of the cotton feeling it had. When I’ve had enough, Gemini sets the cup on the table next to the pitcher. All the while holding my gaze with his intense eyes. My throat closes, and I find it difficult to swallow or speak under the intensity of his scrutiny.He's on my side. He's not planning out how to punish me.The mantra loops in my head until I find my voice again.

“Thank you,” I squeeze through my tight throat. I marvel at the way the dim morning light peeking through the generic hospital window shades falls across his chiseled face.

“Don’t,” he whispers, his Adam’s apple bobs with emotion before he continues, “I can’t bare you thanking me for something as simple as getting you a basic human need,” his voice wavers, and I wish I could make it better for him but I’m not superwoman. I don’t have a magic wand. I can’t wish his pain away any more than I can my own.

“It might be simple to you, but for me, it’s not. Not when I’ve been deprived of such a simple thing for years.”

I watch as his rage builds on his face before it vanishes, and he leans down to hold me.

“That's exactly why it's even more important I give it to you,” he says into my hair.

At first, I brace, conditioned for years to expect abuse rather than comfort. My back straightens like there’s a steel rod in it, and my entire body tenses up, waiting for the first blow. But when all he does is hold me, enveloping me in his warmth and strength, I relax and let his steady breathing and presence work a miracle.