A loud shout comes from the front doorway. My head snaps up, and the dull throb becomes a hammer of erupting pain.

“Where is she? Heather?!” Gemini’s here.

He comes barreling around the corner into the kitchen, and stops dead when he sees the state I’m in. His eyes search the room, but he must not find what he’s looking for because he turns on his heel and disappears.

Sasha comes back and looks at me, giving me a weak smile. I return it with a lame one of my own, not able to muster up the energy for more.

“Your friend said she’ll be here in a few minutes,” she says softly.

True to her word, it’s less than five minutes and Jaz is pushing her way into the kitchen.

“Look, that’s my best friend in there. I don’t care that I’m not family. I’m all she’s got. If you think you’re going to keep me from her you’re living in an alternate reality,” she says clearly and calmly. That’s how I know she’s super pissed. She always gets this veil of calm when she wants to explode.

“Let her in,” Sasha calls to the officer trying to keep Jaz out.

The glare she is giving the officer says exactly what she’d do to him if there wasn’t the chance of jail time. I can’t help but smile at my ferocious friend as she stomps toward me. The closer she gets, the more the fierce fire in her eyes dims, pain and sadness replacing it.

“They better not let me see him, or I swear, I’ll kill him,” Jaz admits in front of Sasha.

“You’ll have to get in line. Gemini is already on the hunt for him,” Sasha reveals.

“What happened?” Jaz asks, looking at me.

Uh oh. I’ve got some explaining to do.With a heavy sigh, I’ve put this off longer than I should have, I put the pen to the pad of paper and start writing.

It takes longer than I thought, but eventually, I get the entire story out and Jaz reads it.

When she’s done, she looks up at me and says, “Good. Kick Steven’s ass to the curb. It’s ‘bout time you get a man, or it appears like men, that will treat you like you more than deserve.” She gives an extra nod, punctuating her point.

This is one of the zillion reasons that I love her.

6 Fallout

Wolves by Sam Tinnesz & Silverberg

Geminipushesthroughtheofficers standing in the entryway and stops in his tracks when his eyes land on me again. I’m sure the condition I’m in will be shocking for some time.

I watch as he goes from rage-filled to worry. When his face gets red, and I think he’s going to explode, I shrink in on myself. It seems to be a magic button, and his face smooths out as he cautiously approaches me. The other officers move out of his way, not willing to be a blockade between us.

He cautiously moves in front of me, framing my battered face with his rough, calloused hands, oh so gently. It has tears gathering in my eyes until he says, “I’m going to kill him.”

I close my eyes, and a lone tear tracks down my cheek. The fact that he is willing to be my savior means so much, even though I want to do this on my own.

“Gemini,” Sasha scolds him.

He holds my eyes for a beat before his head pivots to look at her, “I fucking mean it. Don’t let me know where he is, because I won’t stop myself from doing it.”

His voice is hard.

Looking back at me, I see the unshed tears brimming in his eyes, and that’s when I break. I pull him close and lean on him.

We hold on to each other for a long time, offering the comfort that we both need, until one of the officers comes up and says, “Ma’am, your son is moving around a bit. Do you want us to bring him down here?”

Gemini lifts his head from the cocoon we’ve made together and says, “No, I’ll go up and get him. He knows me, and I don’t want him to be frightened by strangers.”

I’m so thankful for him. He was sent to me at the moment in my life when I needed him the most. Not just for me, but for my son too. The fact that he accepts Zander and I come as a joint package is amazing. They haven’t had much interaction, on purpose. I didn’t want Zander to be exposed to him if things didn’t work out in the beginning, and then I didn’t want to worry about Zander telling his daddy about Mommy’s new friend.

7 New Beginnings