And now... She breathed deep as her eyes fell on her wedding rings. Now, she could do nothing but brace herself for the agony to come. And it would come. Loving Romeo was her greatest risk and would bring the greatest consequence. Of that, she was certain.

‘Buon giorno, gattina.’ Strong fingers brushed her hair from her face and drew her back against the warm sheets. ‘What troubles you so much that you wake me with the power of your thoughts?’ he asked, his eyes probing hers with the sharpness of a scalpel.

‘Everything and nothing,’ she replied obliquely, desperately hoping to buy more time to compose herself.

‘An answer guaranteed to send a man into fits of puzzlement. Or the nearest jewellery store.’

‘Is that how you usually placate your other women?’ she asked, a sensation moving through her that she deciphered as deep jealousy.

Intense eyes narrowed. ‘I wasn’t aware you needed placating. Perhaps you should tell me where I’ve misstepped?’

She glanced away. ‘I don’t. You haven’t. Sorry, I was prying again.’

Warm fingers captured her chin, a thoughtful look in his eyes. ‘I guess it’s only fair, since I questioned you about past liaisons.’

She shook her head, perversely wanting to know, but also desperate to live in denial. If only for a while longer. She chose the latter. ‘I don’t need a biography of your past conquests. I know enough to get that you have a healthy sexual appetite.’ A blush suffused her face and he slanted her a wicked grin.

‘Is that what concerns you?’

She shook her head, but she couldn’t tell him, of course. Because that would be tantamount to shoving her heart underneath the wheels of a Sherman tank. So she went for the next best thing. ‘Why did you bring me to your bedroom? I wasn’t expecting to wake up here.’

The smile left his face and that dark brooding look returned. ‘Why do you think?’ His voice pulsed with an emotion she couldn’t name.

She pulled her lower lip into her mouth. ‘I thought last night was just...’ She paused. ‘I meant it when I said I don’t want this to get complicated.’

Too late.

But that didn’t mean she couldn’t salvage a little bit of dignity from the dire situation. Guard her heart from more pulverising down the road.

‘So your itch has been scratched and you’re ready to put it all behind you?’ he queried in a dark, dangerous voice, throwing her own words back in her face.

‘I didn’t expect it to last beyond last night. Isn’t that your record?’

‘I see we’re back to past conquests again.’


‘No, you listen. Last night barely dented the depth of my need. And if you’re truthful, you’ll admit the same. I brought you to my bed because this is where you belong. You can protest as much as you want and we can go back to circling each other until we drive each other insane, or you can choose to admit your feelings and take what you want.’

She opened her mouth, intent on denying everything he’d said. On doing the right thing. Getting up, walking back to her own room. To her painfully lonely bed. And more nights filled with the vicious ache of wanting him.

But the words died in her throat. Denying herself suddenly felt like the opposite of the right thing. As if saying the words out loud would be like slicing a knife into her arms and opening her veins. Sure, there was a life of desolation waiting for her once she walked away from him, but there was no need to start the torture now.

She stared up at him, at the vitality of the body caging hers, the need blazing in his eyes, and resolved to just be for now.

‘Will you stay?’ he pressed.

Slowly, she nodded. ‘Yes, I will.’

He proceeded to show her the true meaning of good morning. And she gave herself over to the incandescent sensation.

She was still smiling four mornings later, even as she studiously ignored the tiny voice that called her ten kinds of a fool.

They rose, showered together, their hands and lips revelling in the newness of just being together without tension. Oh, the sexual tension was ever-present. It barely left them alone and Maisie was beginning to doubt it ever would. But there was an ease between them that tugged at her heart when Romeo smiled at her and walked her to her room so she could get dressed.

He lounged in the doorway of her dressing room, his eyes wickedly intent on her body as she pulled on panties and a bra, and slid her white shift dress over her head.

After slipping her feet into heeled sandals, she took his outstretched hand and they left the room.