His eyes widened and he jerked upright, his strong arms closing on her shoulders. ‘Che cosa?’

Tears brimmed her eyes. ‘I love you, Romeo. I’ve loved you since the night we spent in this room. I’ve been miserable without you and I really don’t want a divorce, if you don’t mind,’ she pleaded in a wobbly voice.

‘I don’t mind,’ he responded, his face and voice dazed. ‘If you let me, I intend to not mind for at least a dozen lifetimes.’

That bright light ripped through her senses once again. This time she embraced it. Revelled in its warmth. ‘Good, because that’s how long it’ll take for me to show you how much you mean to me, too.’

‘Dio mio, gattina...’ His voice held humble worship, a touching vulnerability that made her cup his face.

‘Hold me, Romeo. Kiss me. I’ve missed you so much.’

With a groan, he sealed his lips to hers.

Three hours later, she dragged her head from his chest and the soothing sound of his heartbeat. ‘Are you ready to video-call with Lucca?’

Romeo raised his head and kissed her mouth. ‘Hmm, I think I’ve finally come up with something that’ll make him forgive me for not being in touch these past few days.’

‘Oh, what’s that?’

‘A promise of a brother or sister.’

Maisie’s heart leapt. She planted a kiss of her own on his willing lips. ‘I think you just elevated yourself to Best Father Ever status.’

Romeo laughed and set up his laptop after Maisie alerted Bronagh to the incoming call.

Seconds later, the screen filled with their son’s beautiful face. ‘Mummy! Daddy, when are you coming home?’ he demanded plaintively.

Romeo exchanged glances with her. ‘We will be there by the time you wake up tomorrow, bel raggazo.’

‘Okay! I’ve been learning some Itayan words, Daddy.’ He gazed keenly into the screen.

Romeo’s hand found hers, and he pressed it to his chest. ‘Tell me,’ he invited softly.

‘Ti amo, Papà,’ he said haltingly, then his face widened in a proud smile. ‘It means, I love you, Daddy.’

Beneath her hand, Romeo’s heart lurched, then raced wildly. His throat worked for several moments, before he spoke. ‘That is exactly right, and I...’ His eyes connected with hers, and tears brimming in hers, she nodded in encouragement. ‘I love you, too.’

They rang off several minutes later, and Romeo took her in his arms and just held her. Somewhere in the suite, a mournful opera started.

‘Why do you listen to those things? They’re so sad.’

He hugged her closer. ‘It was a reminder that hope was a futile emotion, that everything dies in the end. But now it’ll be a reminder that even in the bleakest moments, the voices of heaven can still be heard.’

She raised her head and stared deep into his soul, her heart turning over. ‘I love you, Romeo.’

He kissed her, accepting her love.

He hadn’t said he loved her after that first time. But she didn’t mind, because she felt it in every touch, every look, and knew he would get around to saying it again eventually, when their world grew less shaky with the depth of emotion rocking them.

When he raised his head, his eyes shone with a brightness that seared her with happiness, right to her very fingertips.

‘I see you got away with not being taken to task by Lucca.’

He laughed. ‘But I still intend to keep my promise to him and provide him with a brother or sister. Soon,’ he stated with serious intent.

She traced his mouth with her fingers. ‘Soon. I can think of nothing I want more than another baby with you.’

He gently turned her around and caressed her belly with both hands. Then his strong arms slid around her, swaying her to the sound of angels’ voices.

‘You’re my beginning and my end, il mio cuore. My everything.’


Three years later

‘WHO CAME UP with the brilliant idea that it’d be fun to pack seven hyperactive kids and two overachieving fathers onto a yacht for a vacation?’ Eva grumbled as she chased after her ten-month-old daughter crawling at top speed towards the boat’s chrome railing. Baby Donatella Giordano immediately screeched in protest at her thwarted bid for freedom.

Maisie grinned, raising her face to the dazzling Mediterranean sunshine. ‘You think there would’ve been any stopping Romeo or Zaccheo once they co-bought the super-yacht they’d been drooling over for a year?’