Page 6 of Let Me

“I think it would be good for us to start with sensations to see how you respond to different ones,” Everett says, raising a thick eyebrow making his statement more of a question.

“That sounds logical,” is my reply.

“Everett loves to do things logically. I prefer to go more on mood and intuition,” Cade says, diverting my attention to him.

“Would you prefer to keep what you have on or off?” Cade asks my opinion.

My eyes lift up and to the left in thought. “I’m okay with being in my undergarments.”

“Perfect.” Cade’s warm smile has butterflies fluttering wildly in my stomach. They go haywire as Cade approaches me and his gentle but calloused hand tucks a wayward strand of hair behind my ear. “You’re in control. For tonight if you don’t like something and want it to stop, say red. If it’s uncomfortable but not so much so that you want it to stop say yellow. Tell me if you understand.”

“I understand.” The words come out in breathy words.

“Good girl,” Cade praises me. The words have my insides melting into warm pools of want.

Everett comes around behind me after setting out several things on a side table, encouraging me to stand. Cade offers his hand to assist me.

“Let's get you ready, shall we?” Everett asks. On a big exhale of breath to settle the nervous anticipation, I nod.

Cade helps me to undress down to my underwear and then Everett helps me lie down on the table. He puts a soft blanket over the cold plastic covering and adds a pillow for my comfort.

“You’re not cold, are you?” Everett asks as I relax on the padded tabletop.

“No, I’m fine.”

A sharp sting emanates from the bottom of my foot, shocking me, “No, you can say you’re good or comfortable. Fine is not allowed,” Cade reprimands me. “Do you understand?”

“Yes.” I swallow down my shock.

Cade goes over to the implements Everett laid out and takes his time selecting one. Everett rubs out the sting in my foot working his way up my ankle and calf massaging out the lower portion of my leg.

It takes over my senses and I close my eyes to enjoy it without distraction. A rustling sound hits my ear and my eyes pop open.

“Let's take care of that.” Cade slips an eye mask over my head, blackness taking over my vision. “Tell me know if it’s too tight.”

“Okay.” With my sight blocked, my ears pick up every little rustle and swish of their movements. It amps up my anticipation ten-fold.

“You can talk during this scene, we’d actually prefer it until we get to know you and are able to read your body but don’t move your hands or feet.” Everett’s bass sounds from right above me. “Understand?”


A crack on the bottom of my foot has me twitching but keeping my limbs firmly in place.

“Yes, sir,” Cade prompts.

I clear my throat, and correct my response. “Yes, sir.”

Something trails up the front of my left leg from my ankle. It tickles a bit but nothing more. On my right side, a sharp but not painful prickling travels up on the back of my hand to my shoulder, increasing in pressure until it starts to hurt.

“Yellow,” I warn.

The pressure is immediately lighter on my skin and Everett asks, “What about that makes it yellow?”

“It was starting to hurt the closer to my shoulder it got. I can take some pain, but that was overriding any pleasure it provided.” Giving my answer and having their words from earlier put into action about limits and respecting my needs has that first supporting brick in my trust being laid.

“Good, some pain but not intense amounts are okay.” Everett restates my words so I know he understands.
