Page 9 of Let Me

The ringing of my phone has me jerking from sleep and I pick it up sounding fully awake even though I was in a dead slumber only moments ago.

“Hello,” I answer waiting for the emergency. That’s the only reason someone would call me at this hour. It’s abnormal and must be something serious for me to get a call.

“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” I hang up and get out of bed, dressing in slacks and a long sleeve shirt before putting on my tie. I comb my fingers through my hair and head out the door. It only took me five minutes to do all that. I have perfected my dress time over my short tenure as hospital director.

Such is hospital life.

5 Inappropriate Behavior


Ihaven’t contacted Everett yet and as more days pass, it gets harder and harder to think I didn’t make our connection up in my head. While I wait for my boss's coffee to brew in the break room coffee pot, I find my finger drumming a staccato on the countertop.

Pulling my phone from the pocket of my dark blue dress, I lay it screen up on the counter. The timestamp glares at me, taunting me as one-minute ticks into the next. Picking up my phone and pulling up the messaging app, I type out a text to Everett and hit send before I can overthink it.

The coffee maker sputters the last of the water through the coffee grounds, and I get to work preparing it the way my boss likes.

One cream two sugars. When Everett hasn’t replied by the time I’m done, my heart sinks and I head to Mr. Neal's office dejected and, if I’m honest, a bit sorry for myself.

Mr. Neal isn’t in yet, but he could at any second so I set his coffee on the corner of his desk so it’s within his reach but not so he’ll knock it over and spill it everywhere for me to clean up. Because heaven forbid he clean up a mess he made.

The image of Mr. Neal cleaning in a French maid outfit pops into my mind, and I find a smile on my lips when he storms in.

“What are you doing in here?” he says in an accusing tone.

“Just dropping your coffee off, sir,” I say and try to scamper out before his apparent bad mood can be aimed at me again.

“Make sure I have all the notes from yesterday’s meeting now! I also want to mock up for project nine on my desk yesterday.” He stops his ranting to let out a very loud sneeze then adds, “And for fuck’s sake, get someone in here to dust! It’s making my allergies act up!”

“Yes, sir.” Quickening my pace, I head directly to my desk and pick up the company phone to get a janitor in here before I go make the copies he wants.

Done with that task and able to set it up for his lunch hour, I move on to the copies of the meeting and project nine.

Usually, I take my lunch when he’s taking his but making all these copies made me late and by the time I got them dropped off on his desk, I’m overdue by thirty minutes. That means I only have thirty left before he gets back. Looks like I’m taking a short lunch today.

I decide to splurge and eat out for lunch today but now I don’t have time for anything more than a street vendor hot dog and a can of diet soda. Taking my lunch back to my desk so I’m sure not to be late when Mr. Neal gets back, I sit down and scarf it down as quickly as I can.

It’s not the best wiener I’ve ever put in my mouth but I’ve had worse for sure. I’m shoving the last bite in my mouth and washing it down with my soda just as Mr. Neal appears from around the corner.

He ignores me and closes his door harder than needed but not quite slamming it.

My phone chimes, alerting me to a new notification. I double check that Mr. Neal is occupied with his work and pull my phone out to check it. Finding a text from Everett, I open it up.

:Rhett:It’s good to hear from you. I’ll be at the club tonight. If you want to stop by I’d be happy to spend my time with you.

I smile at his open flirting and type out my response.

:Elli:I’d like that :)

:Rhett:See you there.

I look up to be sure Mr. Neal is still in his office deeply into his work. When I find he is, I send one last text to Rhett. The fact that I haven’t spoken with Cade since that first night stings a little, but I can’t be too upset. We didn’t exchange numbers and other than knowing he wanted to move forward with more scenes gave no promises. Deciding to focus on the positive, I send one last text to Rhett.


I don’t get anything back from Rhett immediately, so I tuck my phone away and get back to work. Mr. Neal calls me in for more coffee refills but he spends the rest of his day locked away in his office while I get it for him in between my normal tasks. I can’t wait for this day to be over.
