Page 33 of Let Me

“I don’t want to go to the hospital. He didn’t get to do anything serious to me. Just take me home, please?” I really don’t want to be poked and prodded by anyone or around people that will judge me.

“Okay, but we’re going to my house and I’m telling Cade and Rhett to meet us there.” His tone brokers no room to argue. Not that I could. The adrenaline must be wearing off because I’m suddenly drained of energy.

19 Wrecked

In Alaric’s king bed, I’m snuggled into him while Cade asks me questions about what happened and Rhett is in the kitchen making us something to eat.

I answer all of Cade’s questions and we just finish up as Rhett brings in several grilled cheese sandwiches and steaming tomato soup. He sets the tray of food down on the nightstand next to the bed and climbs in beside me, taking my small hand in his big calloused one.

“My God, I’m so sorry, kitten,” he apologizes. I’m not sure why. If anyone other than Mr. Neal is to blame, it’s me. I should have done something different. Moved faster, not gone to the break room. Gone around my desk instead of leaning over it. So many things run through my mind, but won’t change anything now.

“No, this isn’t because of you. Any of you. Don’t do that to yourselves,” I reprimand them for once.

I laugh at the absurdity of it.

“What is so funny?” Cade asks, closing the door and joining the others, sitting on the foot of the bed.

“I finally get to tell you guys what to do.” My laughter grows until my tears start and then I’m sobbing. Alaric and Rhett both stare at me like I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have.

“I think she might still be in a bit of shock,” Alaric tells Rhett like I’m not right here lying in bed between them.

“I agree,” Rhett concedes.

“Do you need to talk to someone who can better help you process this?” Cade asks me quietly.

“No, I just need you guys with me. Maybe a relaxing bath?” I lay my head back on Alaric’s firm pectoral muscle and close my eyes.

“Only after you eat something,” Cade orders.

To appease him, I take a huge bite of one of the grilled cheese sandwiches and smile at him as I chew. When I’ve finished the entire thing I ask, “Happy?”

“For now. Go ahead and take a bath. I’ll get the bed ready.” He leaves me to it and I’m thankful for the moment of privacy. I don’t take too long. Just enough time to wash the feeling of Mr. Neal from my skin and then I’m out drying off.

I exit the bathroom with the towel wrapped around me and Cade is waiting in the bed. His muscular torso on display with the sheets and duvet pooled at his waist.

“Where are Rhett and Alaric?” I ask, looking at his bedroom door.

Cade holds his hand out for me to join him in bed. “They’re changing in other rooms. Don’t worry, they’ll come back. I doubt you could keep us away from you tonight.”

I take his hand, letting the towel fall from my body, and climb on top of him. He pulls me down and gives me a soft kiss. But doesn’t take things further. He covers me with the blankets and I snuggle down onto him. He turns the light off at the bedside and trails his hands over my back.

“I’m not too heavy?” I ask.

“No,” comes his sleepy reply in the darkness.

Satisfied, I close my eyes and let the steady rise and fall and rhythmic thump of his heart under my head lull me to sleep. I don't feel it when Alaric and Rhett climb in, but I must know on a subconscious level because I reach out for them and then slip back into a deep slumber.

I wake with a start, afraid but not able to remember the cause. I’m laying on my side, cuddled up to Alaric who is facing me with a hand on my hip, along with Cade wrapped around my back.

Cade must have felt me jolt. He pulls me back closer to him and nuzzles his face in my hair. Alaric's hand falls from my hips and he turns over onto his back.

Turning in Cade’s arms I press the flat of my hands on his defined pectorals and take in his clean scent. It helps to calm me.

In the quiet of the night, I find my lips seeking out every exposed inch of his skin. My tongue darts out to taste him as he stirs, bringing my face up to his in a sleepy languid mating of our mouths.

“I need you,” my voice whispers into the night.

Cade comes up over me, holding the majority of his weight off me, and our tongues tangle in a dance as old as time.