Page 12 of Let Me

Up in my apartment, I warm up some leftover chicken and rice and eat it while standing at the kitchen counter out of the Tupperware dish. Deciding a nice, warm bubble bath will help me dispel the last vestiges of my anger over the late work night and having to cancel my plans with Rhett, I finish my food and draw a bath. Putting my Two Feet playlist on my phone, I set it on the closed toilet seat.

Undressing, I wash off the minimal makeup I put on that morning and step into the tub, sinking until I’m prone.

I lay back and let the warm water work the tension out of my muscles while letting my mind wander.

When images of Rhett in his trench coat emerge, I see the wind from the street ruffling his hair, revealing highlights that look natural from spending a lot of time in the sun. The hint of ruthlessness in his eyes has me wanting to push and see if I can make that side of him come out to play.

Next an image of Cade sans his shirt setting up flashes. His well-defined muscles bunch and stretch with his movements.

I let my hand slip into the water and run down my stomach between my legs as visions of Alaric sitting across from me flash into my mind. His silvery hair glints in the light as his head moves with his words.

My fingers play with my pussy folds before slipping inside me. The index finger of my other hand works my clit as I rotate through those images.

Making sure not to hold my breath, my orgasm builds quickly. Hips arching up, I dig my heels into the basin of the tub, splashing water over the edge in my quest to obtain release. It’s right there and I lift my body, causing my neck to arch as I tip over and my orgasm erupts through me.

I hold the tension in my body until my orgasm wanes and then I sink into the warm water once more until my labored breathing evens out.

All the day's events are finally gone and my emotions on an even keel. I drain the tub and turn on the shower to wash quickly before bed.

Briskly drying off, I moisturize and fall into bed naked. Relaxed and exhausted, I'm asleep shortly after my head hits the pillow.

Stretching my body out, the sun's rays spill into the only window in my bedroom, warming my face. It’s a nice contradiction to the coolness of my silk sheets. Thankfully, it is Saturday and I can sleep in. On workdays in the fall and winter, I wake long before the sun comes up.

Bedding is the one thing I allowed myself to splurge on when I moved into my apartment. My head is cradled in my fluffy pillow. I lie there and think back to the before with Alaric then the one with Rhett and Cade.

I like all three men, and Rhett and Cade have proven they’re open to sharing me. Alaric said he was as well, but I’m not sure if that’s something I want or can even handle.

I usually have my hands full with just one man, it’s difficult to imagine three.

Regardless, I’m not going to come up with any answers in bed. With a sigh, I get out of bed and unplug my phone, taking it into the bathroom with me so I can listen to music in the shower.

Still in my birthday suit, I pad on silent feet while checking the notifications I got while sleeping. I find a text alert and bring up my messaging app.

Rhett’s name is at the top of my screen making my heart beat wildly inside my chest.

:Rhett:Good morning, I hope your boss wasn’t too demanding last night.

:Elle:Not any more so than normal.

Setting my phone down I turn on the shower, letting the water warm up while I go about brushing my teeth. Halfway through my phone chimes with a text alert. A little surprised to get a text back so quickly, I pick my phone up so fast it flies out of my hand and lands on the hard linoleum floor.

Wincing at my blunder I pick it up like it might bite me and inspect it for cracks or chips.

“Whew,” I sigh out. No damage done I open the text from Rhett.

:Rhett:That’s not reassuring…

Yeah, tell me about it.

:Elle:It’s nothing I can’t handle :)

:Rhett:What are your plans for today?

:Elle:Workout at the park. Not much after that. You?

:Rhett:Wanna have lunch after your workout?

My pulse spikes and the butterflies in my stomach work into a frenzy.