Page 11 of Let Me

6 Getting Acquainted

Thankful to finally be done and able to leave, I grab my stuff and speed walk out to the elevator and ride it down to the first floor. The security guard is the only other person in the lobby when I exit the elevator and we wave to each other then I exit to the street.

I don’t wait long when the car pulls up and I get inside ready to get out of the cold. I give the driver the address to the club and sit back, trying to dispel some of the tension from earlier.

In very little time, the car is pulling up in front of the club and I use my phone to pay.

I climb out and say a quick, “Thanks,” before closing the door and entering the club. Thankfully my work attire also happens to coincide with the dress code for Club Embrace.

I go and stow my things then head to the bar, scanning to see if Rhett is still there.

My heart falls a bit when I don’t find him. I nurse my disappointment with a whisky neat and scan the crowd to see if anyone looks familiar. Not that I know anyone other than some of the staff, Camile sadly, and Everett.

There is something I can’t quite pin down about Camile that doesn’t feel right.

My eyes catch on a very fit-looking man with salt and pepper hair, a gray, neatly trimmed beard framing full, pouty lips, and striking green eyes that are riveted on none other than me.

I quickly look away, embarrassed to have been caught looking. Never mind that I caught him doing the same thing. Wanting to get another look at him, I peek under my lashes in the direction I last saw him and find him maneuvering through the intermittent tables coming my way. I look down into my drink not sure what else to do.

A deep baritone hits my ear and my eyes lift to find his captivating verdant color shining back at me. “Hello, my name is Alaric. Can I sit with you or are you spoken for?”

I’m not sure what Rhett and I have going on but I’m sure if he had spoken for me he would have made that quite clear. Since he hasn’t, I respond with, “I’m not, yet.”

Alaric flashes a dashing smile at me and situates himself on the seat next to me, signaling the bartender for a drink.

“You said not yet. Does that mean you’re in the getting to know you stage with someone?” The bartender places two drinks down one in front of each of us and Alaric picks his up and sips it, looking over the rim at me.

“I am. Everett Green and Cade, ahh… I can’t remember his last name,” I provide, not wanting to be accused of hiding anything.

“Ah! Rhett! He’s a very good Dom. I think you might mean Cade Bryn. He is also one of our more experienced Doms. Both will treat you well.” He pauses to look at the other patrons and says, “I’m also a very good Dom.”

I lift an eyebrow at his bold insinuation and level him with a curious look.

“Excuse my forward statement, but I’m not about to pass up the opportunity to see if we could be compatible. I don’t mind sharing if you want to have several partners. I will also bow out if you decide I’m not a goodfitfor you.” The emphasis he puts on fit has all sorts of naughty images coming to mind.

He has a few crows feet at his eyes when he smiles, but other than that and his salt and pepper hair, I’d say he was just a tad older than me.

Having the crappy night I’ve had, I decide talking with Alaric can’t hurt so I sit back and let my drink do its thing to relax my frayed nerves.

“It’s refreshing to not play games. You, Cade, and Rhett, are all very open and forthcoming. I like it.” My tongue sticks out and runs along my bottom lip. I taste the slight burn of alcohol on and bite my lip when I bring my tongue back into my mouth. His eyes watch me playing with my lip, with a simmering inferno in them the entire time.I really want to know what he tastes like but I don’t want to overstep.

“Why play emotional games when you can play with each other in much better ways?” Alaric adds, opening my eyes to his sage advice.

We sit and discuss different aspects of the BDSM community and how it’s becoming more socially acceptable or ‘normal’.

He has some very progressive views on things. I like the way he sees the world.

I glance at the clock on the back wall behind the bar and notice the time has flown by. I could sit here and talk with him all night, but the day’s events are starting to hit me.

“Well, I've enjoyed chatting with you and learning your views on things, but my bed is calling me.” I stand and Alaric stands with me. Such a gentleman.

“It was my pleasure, Elle. Do you need assistance with your ride?”

“No, I can manage. Thank you.” I offer my hand for a shake, but he surprises me and kisses the back of my hand.

I go to the locker room and gather my things then head out to the entrance lobby.

Deciding to walk home, I head in the direction of my apartment. Since I didn’t make it to the gym in the past few days, I need to get my exercise in somehow. I set a brisk pace to get my heart rate up and make it to my complex in about twenty minutes.