Page 39 of Searching for Risk

She cried out as he sucked and stroked her swollen clit in the same rhythm he’d been using to fuck her. He was as relentless as he was merciless, bringing her back to the edge of orgasm twice and then stopping, leaving her a gasping, trembling puddle.

“Donovan.” His name left her lips in little more than a whimper.

He nibbled her inner thigh. “Now, what do you want, angel?”

She ran a trembling hand over his head. “You. Inside me. Right now.”

Donovan grinned and kissed his way up her body. When he reached her lips, he softened the kiss to a tease. “Will you touch yourself when I ask next time?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

“Good girl.” He turned her back toward the bike, kicked her legs wide, and filled her again. He grabbed her hips, fingers biting into her skin, and shifted his angle, his thrusts became more urgent, wilder. She leaned forward, resting her forearms against the seat, and met him thrust for thrust. When the orgasm hit her, it was all she could do to stay upright, her body shaking hard with her release.

He dropped his head to her shoulder and groaned, his fingers digging into her hips as he pushed into her one final time, deep and hard, and shuddered.

He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his face to her spine. She could feel his heart beating wildly against her back as their ragged breathing slowly evened out. Her body felt boneless, and she was only vaguely aware of their surroundings. She was leaning over a bike seat on the side of a highway, with his cock still deep inside her, but it didn’t matter.

“Jesus, Sasha,” he whispered, his voice raw. “I’m never going to get enough of you.”

He kissed her shoulder and her neck, but there was no urgency to it. He was kissing her, touching her like she was a precious gift, not a trophy. She’d never felt so cherished in her life.

They stayed like that for several long, comfortable minutes until her damn stomach let out another embarrassingly loud grumble.

“Oh, fuck. You need food.” He withdrew from her and straightened, reaching down to help her from the bike. “I got distracted.”

“Me, too.” She sighed and melted into his arms and raised her mouth to his in a kiss that tasted of sex. “Worth it.”

Just then, Donovan’s stomach joined hers in voicing its disapproval. They stared at each other for a beat, then burst out laughing. He tucked himself back into his jeans and waited for her to pull herself back together, then held out her helmet. “C’mon. Let’s go eat.”

chapter fifteen

They made it to the restaurant on the outskirts of town much later than anticipated, but that meant they had missed the worst of the dinner rush. Donovan felt a bit shaky as they were seated, but whether that was from his lack of food today or the mind-blowing sex, he couldn’t begin to guess.

Sasha’s cheeks were flushed, and her hair was mussed. She looked exactly like what she was: a well-loved woman. As he watched her study the menu, he decided he wanted to make her look like this every day for the rest of his life.

Yeah, he was a goner.

He loved her.

Hell, if he were honest with himself, he’d loved her from the second he’d first set eyes on her at Redwood Coast Rescue. His memory sucked most days, but that moment he remembered with the clarity of a photograph. He had been needling Zak after a group therapy session, trying to get a rise out of the guy because Zak’s sudden Zen attitude had bugged the hell out of him. The side door leading out to the agility yard swung open, and Sasha and Anna came in with Matilda on a leash. They were deep in a discussion about the dog’s recovery, but Sasha had glanced his way as they passed. It had been like a punch to the gut, all of the air forcefully leaving his lungs, and he devoured every detail from her dark hair in its bouncy ponytail to the curvy hips and ass that tested the limit of her scrub bottoms. Her smile was so bright and genuine, he was dazzled and swore his heart had skipped a handful of beats. He hadn’t even known her name yet, but he’d known she would be his.

She was smiling at him the same way now and lowered her menu. “What?”

He shook his head. “Just thinking about the first time I knew you were mine. You had on the same pink scrubs you were wearing today.”

“When was that?”

“You and Anna had taken Matilda out to the agility yard to exercise, and you were talking about how well her burns were healing with a lot of medical jargon—which is hot as fuck. I was with Zak in the kitchenette behind the reception desk, and you smiled at me.”

Her eyes rounded. “But that was over a year ago.”

“I was waiting for the right time to make my move.”

He didn’t think it was possible, but her eyes got even wider. “The fundraiser. Oh my God, that wasn’t a fluke, was it? You had a hotel room. You kenneled Spirit for the night and got a room at the casino. That whole time, you were planning to seduce me?”

“Well, the plan came about after Zak blackmailed me into going, but… yeah. I went there with the intention of getting you into my bed. I was tired of waiting for you to notice me.”

Sasha’s mouth dropped open, and he worried for a moment that he’d said something wrong. But then she started laughing, a deep, throaty sound that had him grinning in response.