Chapter Four

Silver flashed in their hands as her three vampire minions lunged at me. I flew straight up, causing them to smack into each other instead of me. Then, I flung my silver knife.

It landed in the blonde vampire’s heart. With another concentrated thought, I gave it a hard twist while using my body’s downward momentum to slam the other two vampires against the cave walls. One vampire’s head hit the wall so hard that she instantly went down, but the black-haired one screamed as she raised her knife and aimed for my unprotected back.

With a focused thought, I yanked the knife from her hand and sent it into her chest with another hard twist. Now two of the vampires were dead.

This was too easy. If they hadn’t been about to murder a teenager, I might’ve felt bad about slaughtering them this way.


I whirled to see that the redheaded witch now had the boy up against her chest while her back was to the cave’s wall. Smart. Now her heart was protected from both sides. She also had an ancient-looking knife pressed against his throat, and her eyes glowed with a vampire’s trademark bright emerald light.

“One more move and he dies,” she swore.

“Hurt him and I’ll rip your head off right now,” I countered.

Her smile showed her newly extended fangs. “No, you won’t. If your powers were that great, I’d already be dead.”

Ooh, a thinker.She was right, too. I hadn’t mastered the ability to use my borrowed telekinesis on people yet, especially people with supernatural energy like vampires. But I didn’t need to be able to control her to stop her.

I focused on her knife, and then yanked with all the mental strength I had. To my shock, the blade didn’t even budge.

If snakes could grin, their smiles would look just like the one the redhead flashed me. “Your impressive abilities are useless against enchanted objects, intruder.”

Inwardly, I cursed, but all I said was, “Really? Guess life’s a bitch until one kills you.”

“You will die,” she said flatly. “Pity. With your abilities, you would have been an asset to our coven.”

Her human acolytes started to chant in the strange language again. From their thoughts, this spell would end with my death. So much for thinking this was too easy. I’d seen how nasty magic could get in the hands of a skilled practitioner, and if the redhead had an enchanted weapon, she wasn’t a poser or an amateur.

That’s why I couldn’t let her minions finish their incantation. The humans might be easy to incapacitate, but if I went for the last two vampires, I risked the boy’s life. How to stop the chants without endangering him?

I glanced above the redhead. Yes. That could work.

I put my hands up in an “I surrender” pose. “Maybe we can come to an agreement—”

The redhead’s scoff cut me off. “After you killed two members of my coven? Our only agreement is your death.”

I readied my power, careful to look only at her. “You don’t want to do that.”

She scoffed again. “Oh, but I do.”

Just a few moments more… “Not if you don’t want a shitload of trouble. I’m Cat Crawfield Russell, and if you don’t know that name, does the term ‘Red Reaper’ ring a bell?”

From her widened gaze, it did. “Wife of Bones, and friend of Vlad Dracul,” she whispered.

I’d earned my nickname after cutting a bloody swath through the undead world when I was still half human, and she was defining me only by my relationships with the men in my life?

“You don’t deserve a vagina,” I muttered, and finished wrapping my power around the thin slice of protruding rock above her. With a mental yank, I tore the rock free.

The narrow slice of ledge slammed into her hard enough to take off her head. I lunged at the same moment, pulling the boy down so he was out of the rock’s deadly, slicing path. Then, I took advantage of the other witches’ shock to rip my knife through the nearest one’s heart.

My head exploded with pain. I turned, seeing the formerly unconscious vampire through a haze of red as blood dripped into my eyes. At some point during my exchange with her leader, she’d woken up. Now, she held a piece of debris in her hands, its tip stained with scarlet. I was so dazed that it took a second to figure out what it was.

Bitch had brained me with the rock ledge I’d just used to kill her coven leader. Admirable, really.

I ducked under her next swing and managed a sideways kick that knocked her briefly unconscious again. I tried to use my abilities to send a silver knife flying into her heart, but though I concentrated, nothing happened. Guess the decent-sized piece of my skull on the ground meant my telekinesis was temporarily out of order.