An instant later, I felt a thud as something hit Ashael’s back. Denise gasped, and Ashael rolled onto his side, showing the knife handle now sticking out of his back. Thank God my fledgling telekinesis wasn’t sloppy drunk like the rest of me.

“Who’s embarrassed now?” I ground out.

Ashael threw back his head and laughed.

“By the gods, even high, you’re as vicious as you are beautiful. Are you certain you love your husband, my feisty little redhead? You and I could have such fun.”

His voice deepened until it felt like an acoustic caress at that last word.

I got up with a snort. “Not a chance, and believe me, I have plenty of fun. Bones isn’t just my husband’s name, it’s practically his life motto.”

“TMI,” Denise muttered, but Ashael laughed again.

“Then I’ll take my defeat with grace, if I must.”

He vanished, leaving the knife to land on the floor now that it no longer had a back to stick into. The blade was still coated with his blood, and I’d snatched it and licked it before it occurred to me how crass I was being. Then, I didn’t care as his blood lit my senses up even more.

Oh, that felt so good!

“Should I be worried about her new…enthusiasm for demon blood?” Denise asked Ashael when he reappeared next to her.

“Only if she seeks it out after you’ve defeated the witches,” Ashael replied. “Otherwise, this is only a temporary craving while she’s under the influence, although I strongly advise that you don’t let her drive.”

Denise gave him a look that said, Do you think I’m stupid?

Ashael grinned before his expression became serious.

“I’ll return later with more blood, and later again once I’ve found your witches. In the meantime, let Cat teach you how to fight. You have powerful abilities, but those witches have powerful magic, so if you’re going to survive, you need more than your shapeshifting skills.”

“I can fight,” Denise sputtered.

“Done!” I said with a jaunty wave at Ashael.

He nodded at me, and then vanished with a swirl of shadows that were much more impressive than the witches’ smoke trick.

Denise sighed and then turned to me. “There’s too many people who could get close enough for us to infect them if we stay here, so we need to leave.”

I nodded, trying to ignore how the simple gesture made the room swim. I’d felt much more focused while fighting with Ashael, but that must have been rage combined with muscle memory from all my years of fighting. Now, however, I felt downright woozy. Had that little amount of blood I’d licked off the knife made me so much worse? Or was I truly feeling how high I was, now that I didn’t have anything left to prove?

Either way, Denise was right. We had to leave before we infected anyone else.

“Yes, and once we’re somewhere safe, I’m going to turn you into a world-class ass-kicker.”