Chapter Nine

Being born half vampire meant that I’d only been drunk once, after a ghost had tricked me into chugging an entire bottle of uncut moonshine. Not even my half-vampire nature had been enough to make me immune to half a gallon of 180 proof “white lightning,” as it turned out. Still, despite my relative inexperience with being intoxicated, I felt prepared to deal with the wonky side effects of Ashael’s blood.

Oh, what a sweet summer child I was!

The first splash shot past my lips and went right down my throat. If my muscles still worked, I would’ve gagged.

Be a little more gentlemanly when shooting your load, Ashael!

At least I didn’t need to worry about my lack of ability to swallow. With how forcefully his blood came out, it felt like it went straight into my stomach, and…wow, this rug was so thick. And lush. Had it always felt like this? And the colors in this room were so vivid, especially when reflected in the lights from all the broken glass.

“Beautiful,” I sighed, and then squealed in delight.

I was talking again! Sure, I’d dribbled blood to say the words, but who cared? I wasn’t wearing this dress again anyway.

“More,” I said next, and grabbed Ashael’s wrist.

“Uh, if she’s moving now, is that enough?” Denise asked.

“No,” I garbled out before Ashael could answer. Every swallow made the world more beautiful, warm, and glorious.

“Slow down, Cat,” I heard Denise say.

I loved her, but she seriously needed to shut up.

Ashael’s dark curls brushed my face as he bent near my ear. Even that slight touch felt like silk trailing over my skin.

“Last swallow, little vampire,” he murmured, his voice curling around me like warm, dark waters.

“No,” I said, my inhibitions drowned. “Eat you…all night.”

Ashael’s laugh was more decadent than the richest dessert. “If circumstances were different, I’d let you, but alas.”

Then, his wrist was gone, and that addictive flow stopped.

I tried to yank his wrist back and ended up only grasping air. I leapt up to see Ashael on the other side of the room, wagging a finger at me.

“Ah ah ah, my lovely one. You’re cut off.”

I lunged at him, and then staggered in surprise when the floor rose up to trip me.

“Stop it,” I snapped at the floor.

It undulated in response, taunting me. I stomped on it, and it surged up with an abrupt wave that knocked me flat.


Denise rushed over. “Cat! Are you okay?”

“Fine,” I said, brushing her aside. This was between me and the floor, and I was kicking its polished driftwood ass.

I stomped up and down on it with all my strength. Planks cracked and gave way. When I was ankle-deep in the floor’s wreckage, I howled in victory.

Take that, motherfucker!

“Cat…” Denise sounded worried, but she shouldn’t be. I’d beaten the floor, so it couldn’t attack her next.

“Don’t bother trying to reason with her,” Ashael said. “She’s too high. Give her a few minutes to adjust to the effects of my blood. She’ll be better by then.”