His gaze slanted my way in annoyance, but he didn’t let go, and the glow from his hands only intensified. Denise screamed again, and then bit her lips as if to hold back another scream.

“I’m okay,” she gritted out. “I know what he’s doing.”

Her words were no longer garbled from a half-paralyzed tongue. She also wasn’t slouched over anymore. Now, she was sitting upright, even if her face was pinched with pain.

“How much more?” she asked with a gasp.

“Just a bit,” he replied as more light poured from his hands. That light began to absorb into Denise’s skin, until her whole body started to glow.

“Almost done,” Ashael said in a soothing way.

White sparks came off their joined hands. Denise squeezed her eyes shut, breathing hard while the air filled with the strangest power. Not the skin-tingling energy that marked the auras of strong vampires, or the icy brushes of power that heralded grave magic. This was something I’d never felt before.

Ashael released her hands. Denise fell back. He caught her, lowering her to the floor across from where I was positioned. For a moment, our eyes met, and I stared at her in disbelief.

Were those flashes of silver in Denise’s gaze now?

Then she blinked, and all I saw was Denise’s normal hazel eyes. “Wow, that feels weird,” she murmured.

With that, she stood up, moving as normally as she had before the spell had infected her.

Ashael scanned Denise and then nodded as if satisfied.

“That should hold you, but this power upload is only temporary. To make it permanent, we’d need to strike a deal, and despite what you know, I doubt you’d want to go that route.”

“I don’t,” Denise said, adding “no offense,” with a wry smile at him. Then, she glanced at me. “Don’t worry, Cat. His power upload only hurts for a few minutes—”

“I’m not doing that with her,” Ashael interrupted. “She has nothing in her to increase the way you did.”

That sounded insulting, but more importantly, did it mean I was beyond help even from a half demon, half demigod like Ashael?

“I can, however, give her something to weaken the immobility spell so she can move again,” he went on.

If my hands could have shot out to indicate consent, they would have. Do it! Whatever it is, bring it on!

“But she won’t be good for much after that, and it’s very important that you kill whoever hexed you both,” he finished.

“Why won’t Cat be good for much?” Denise asked, echoing my own thought.

His smile was as bright as sunshine. “She’ll be too high.”

I stared at the demon. Now I knew what he intended to give me to counter the spell. His blood.

Demons weren’t just the inventors of magic; they were the walking embodiment of it. That’s why spells didn’t work on them. Their blood also had a unique effect on vampires, and by unique, I mean that vamps who drank demon blood ended up more wasted than a frat boy after a drinking contest.

Still, being wasted would be an improvement over my current state. Besides, Ashael was only half demon. His other side was of an indeterminate celestial nature, so maybe his mixed blood wouldn’t get me as trashed as straight demon blood would. Even if it did, Bones had once managed to win a fight to the death while sky-high on demon blood.

If he could do it, I could do it.

I stared at Denise, hoping she could intuit my answer.

She sighed. “I don’t like this, but…Cat says yes.”

Ashael rolled up his sleeve while grabbing one of the broken bottles I’d telekinetically hurled at him. Then, he came toward me with a wolfish smile.

“In that case, my lovely redhead, I hope you’re thirsty.”