Chapter Seven

At least a dozen vampires wearing the same style of blue robes as the witches I’d killed earlier came into my line of sight. Good lord, of all the places to vacation in, we had to pick the one that was apparently a hotbed of witches!

One of the robed figures stepped forward and tilted her head. Her hood fell back, revealing hair the color of dark umber, deep brown eyes, and lovely sepia-and-cream skin.

“I am Morgana,” she said.

“How unoriginal,” I replied.

Okay, antagonizing a vampire witch while I was still mostly paralyzed wasn’t my smartest move, but come on! Naming yourself after the sorceress who trapped the famed wizard Merlin from the King Arthur stories? She was asking for that sort of clapback.

Morgana glanced at my hands and feet with a smirk. “You must be very strong to have such motion. That spell doesn’t expire until sunrise, but it matters not. Your death is sure.”

I couldn’t move enough to get away, but my hand worked well enough to give her my one-fingered opinion about that threat.

“Heard that from the other witches,” I replied while focusing my energy on the silver knives I had stored in the bedroom. Even now, I was using my borrowed telekinetic ability to quietly pull back the zipper on the knapsack they were in.

Angry emerald light flashed in Morgana’s eyes. “Do you have any idea what you did tonight?”

“Stopped an innocent kid from getting murdered,” I said while thinking, Keep talking. Your friend made that mistake, too.

Now her brown gaze was all green, and fangs peeked out from her lips. “You interrupted a sacred ritual and killed seven of our newest coven sisters. Half of them weren’t even vampires yet! Then, we had to sacrifice one of our sisters who survived your butchery because our goddess had already been summoned, and lifeblood is required after a summoning. At least our surviving sister gave us the means to avenge ourselves. We found you by following the magic in the spell they had left on you.”

Some days, I really hated magic. Today was one of them.

“We’d kill you now, while you’re still helpless,” Morgana went on, almost hissing with rage, “but you don’t deserve a quick, merciful death. So, we are giving you to our goddess.”

With that, Morgana said something in an unknown language and drew her finger across my forehead. Everywhere she touched burned as if a hot poker was scorching me.

I quit being subtle and ripped open the satchel with my mind. Several silver knives flew out of the bedroom, but though they hit their targets, none of the vampires dropped the way they should have with silver in their hearts.

Morgana bared her fangs in a smile. “Before we had to sacrifice our coven sister in place of the boy you freed, she told us of your abilities. That’s why we’re wearing these.”

With that, the vampires drew open their ceremonial robes to reveal that they were all wearing Kevlar vests. Murderous they might be, but dumb they were not.

Morgana traced my face with her finger again. This time, it didn’t burn.

“Don’t worry; you won’t die tonight. I want you to think about what awaits you first. So, you have until the moon is full and the tide is high before our goddess comes for you.”

I took it back—they were dumb. If they didn’t kill me now, I would find a way out of this.

Morgana must have read some of that from my expression because she gave me a nasty smile. “Go ahead, let your loved ones gather around you trying to save you. You will only doom them, too. Everyone who spends so much as five minutes in your presence will be marked as a sacrifice, too, because this”—her finger traced my forehead—“is contagious. That’s why we’ll be leaving, but in case you’re capable of surprising us with your abilities again…”

She said something else in that strange language. All of a sudden, I couldn’t move a muscle. What had taken the other vampire several minutes with a supporting group chant to accomplish, Morgana had done by herself in seconds.

Maybe she’d chosen her name aptly after all.

The front door burst open, revealing Denise. She had cuts in several places and she was soaking wet…and furious.

“Back away from her, or I swear I will turn into a dragon and eat every last fucking one of you!”

The other vampires laughed. Morgana’s brows rose, and she gave Denise an amused look.

“For the most entertaining threat I’ve heard in a while, you may live. For now,” she added, with a sly glance at me.

I seethed, but I couldn’t tell Denise to stay away from me. I couldn’t so much as blink anymore.

Morgana gave me a final smile. Then, with a poof of smoke worthy of a B-grade horror movie, she and the other vampires disappeared.