Page 47 of Starlit Skies

Skylar had briefly glimpsed Nash’s bedroom when he’d first shown her around the house. Her own room—the spare room—was down the hall and to the left, and it was smaller, with just enough room to squeeze in a double bed and two side tables. Nash’s room had been decorated in dark, masculine colors, in shades of chocolate and tan, with white walls. His large, king-sized bed took pride of place in the middle of the room, with a walk-in closet on one side and a door to the shared bathroom leading off the other.

Her bare feet found the rug beneath the bed, and she turned around to face Nash, meeting the edge of the bed with the back of her legs.

He said nothing, merely stared at her with those intense eyes, following her lead.

She sucked in a breath.

Her fingers found the buttons of his shirt and worked their way down the line, undoing each one with delicious anticipation. Then she slipped the shirt over his shoulders and let it drop to the floor, like she’d just unwrapped a Christmas gift, revealing the much-anticipated present inside. Even in the dim light, Skylar could see the hard planes of his chest, the angular lines of his shoulder muscles as they sloped up to meet his neck. His narrow waist and sinewy hips.

He stood perfectly still, letting her run her fingers down his chest, investigating every bump and contour, his gaze never leaving her face.

She’d been meaning to ask him again about his amazing tan, but the words evaporated in her mouth as his lips came down to claim hers.

Her hands roved over his shoulders, down his back, becoming twitchy with hunger, wanting to feel him all over; all at once.

Without realizing quite how it happened, while she was busy devouring his mouth, her shirt ended up next to his on the floor. And so did her jeans. His nimble hands removed them without fuss or fanfare, and she was left with only panties and bra on. She should feel exposed, vulnerable, because he was seeing her body for the first time. But the way his gaze raked down her legs and then up over her breasts made her feel the exact opposite.

His shorts were the only thing standing between her seeing him fully naked. She fumbled with the top button and zip, drawing them down his hips before she suddenly remembered.

“What about your leg?” She glanced at the white bandage wrapped around his thigh quickly and then away. It still made her a little queasy to think about it. And it still surprised her she’d been able to deal with his wound out in the jungle when she’d had no other option.

“It’s fine,” he reassured her. “And I know you’ll be gentle with me.” He raised one corner of his mouth in a cheeky smile.

Skylar wanted to be anything but gentle, but she’d control herself for Nash’s sake.

“Let me do it,” he said, taking over the removal of his shorts. He carefully shimmied them down over the bandage, and then her wish came true. He was standing in front of her, naked. And, oh, he was a glorious sight to behold, his erection pulsing out his need for her. Then he smiled, his teeth white in the muted light of the room, and something sparked hungrily deep inside her.

She pushed him backward toward the bed, taking care of his leg. Then, with an uncharacteristic abandon of all propriety, she flicked off her bra and panties and crawled onto the bed after him. No man had seen her naked in four years. But she suddenly didn’t care. In a flash of faith, she knew that Nash appreciatedher for what she was and would like what he saw. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be with her here tonight.

Settling her head onto the pillow next to him—on his uninjured side—she let her legs drape gently down the length of his. All that naked skin. It was so good to feel the warmth and aliveness of Nash next to her. Why had she left it this long to find human connection again? She’d been kidding herself when she decided she could live the rest of her life without a man. She hadn’t even realized how much she was missing until this exact moment.

Her hand roamed over his torso, down, down, following the trail of hair, leading to…Oh, hello. She stroked his erection with gentle fingers. It throbbed beneath her touch, and Nash let out a gasp. She certainly hadn’t realized how much she missedthispart.

Nash’s hungry mouth found hers, and he rolled up onto his elbow so he could cradle her head in his is hand. But the move elicited a grunt of pain.

He’d said his leg was fine, but he was probably lying. There was only one thing for it. She pushed him down onto the bed and straddled his hips to make sure he stayed there. Taking control.

This time, she let her tongue do the exploring, tasting, and licking all the way down his magnificent body. Until she found the tip of his erection. Could she do this? Craig had often demanded she give him a blowjob, but very rarely reciprocated, using the misogynistic excuse that men needed it more than women. Men liked it more. She’d come to despise that particular act even more than the rest of it.

Nash groaned. “Oh, Jesus, Skylar.” He feathered his hand down her back. But there was no suggestion of coercion. He didn’t place his hand on the back of her head and push her down, like Craig used to do. She could feel the urgent need drumming through Nash. But he let her make the decision.

Taking him in her mouth, she began a gentle rhythm.

He groaned again and began to move his hips along with her. She felt in control. Powerful. This was nothing like the demoralizing performances she’d been forced to carry out with Craig.

His gasps of passion as she moved lit a fire between her own legs. She was going to combust with need if she didn’t have him soon. After a few moments, she stopped and sat up.

Nash lifted his head, his dark eyes boring into her.

“Your turn now,” he said huskily, and levered up to his elbows, as if he meant to do exactly that. He even turned his head to hide the grimace of pain as he sat up. But she saw it.

“Next time,” she promised. Wriggling along the length of his body, she lay on top of him, breasts pushed into his chest, hips hovering over the top of his hips.

“God, Skylar, you’re so beautiful. Do you know that?”

She didn’t answer, because she wasn’t sure she did know it. But if he thought she was beautiful, then that was enough for her.

Instead, she dug her knees into the bed and sat astride him, her core hovering over his erection. Slowly, she lowered herself until the tip was just touching. The heat of his cock surged through her. She wanted him inside her so bad.