I put on a fake smile. “Act normal,” I whispered. Before another word could be spoken, Bayleon and Bastian stiffened, their eyes widening as they studied the doorway. “What’s wrong?” I asked quickly.

Aidan stepped up next to them, his face a mask of worry. “Who’s out there?”

Bastian murmured something to him and Bayleon turned to me. “Remember the powerful magic we felt in the mortal realm?”

My heart raced as I remembered. “Yes, but why can’t I feel it now?”

He grasped my arm protectively, his body tense as he scanned the ballroom. “I don’t know. I can feel it coming from outside, but no one here appears to be under its influence like that man in the mortal realm was.”

I scanned the crowd, and everyone seemed to be going about their business with no hint of being under an enchantment.

Bastian’s carefree demeanor ceased as he faced Bayleon. “We need to see what’s going on,” he declared.

Bayleon nodded and steered me toward his brother. “I agree. You stay with our queen and dance. I’ll go check it out.” Before he could leave, I clutched his arm and he looked my way.

“Be careful,” I said softly.

He scanned my lips, then my eyes. “I’ll be back.”

I was worried about him going alone, but Aidan motioned to follow him and they exited together. Bastian held me tightly against his body, and my heart raced. I could tell he wanted to join them as well.

“Come on,” he said gently, ushering us to the center of the room where others were dancing. The music was slow, and Bastian embraced me close and smiled at me weakly.

“What do you think is going on here, Bastian?” I asked while we swayed.

He heaved a deep sigh. “I have no idea,” he said softly before his gaze shifted to the door. “Frankly, I have no clue.”



My mind raced with the possibilities of what we could be dealing with. Elves surrounded us, their eyes narrowed in suspicion as we hurried past them. Finally, we made it outside and I carefully surveyed the grounds.

“What are we looking for exactly?” Aidan asked, his voice laced with urgency.

We made it outside and I frantically surveyed the area, my eyes searching for some clue of what we were facing.

“I don’t know,” I replied honestly. I turned to him and shrugged, wishing I had the answers. “It feels like my magic, only stronger. Alotstronger.”

Aidan’s eyes widened in alarm. “That can’t be good,” he breathed out.

I shook my head slowly, my expression grim. “No, not at all I’m afraid. We encountered it in the mortal realm and noticed a human enthralled with it; he almost died but Lia managed to heal him.”

A heavy sigh escaped Aidan’s lips and he regarded me with concern. “And now you sense the same magic here? I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”

The truth of his words hung in the air between us; it was undeniable. The magic intensified around me, beckoning me closer, and suddenly I saw him—a young man walking into the woods, his body stiff as if he was under someone else’s control.

“There!” I growled, pointing him out. “He’s about to disappear into the trees.”

We took off after him, running like lightning, the night air vibrating with powerful magic. I glanced up at the trees and noticed they weren’t shimmering in the moonlight—instead, there were dark clouds overhead, casting an oppressive darkness over us.

“Something’s not right,” Aidan warned.

We stopped abruptly, and I instinctively unsheathed my sword. A feeling of dread hung heavy in the air as if whatever was lurking in the woods was aware of us and wanted me. I could feel the magic inside me responding to it—surging through my veins like electricity. My heart pounded as Aidan tensed, his head snapping to the left.

“Whoever’s out here is retreating fast,” he said urgently, pointing his hand to his left. “They’re going that way. I can sense about a dozen men.”

“Is it elves?” I asked, holding my sword tightly.