“Don’t worry,” I replied, reaching behind my ass to cup his balls as I rode him, “I’m not done with you either.”



My dreams were filled with Bayleon and Bastian. When I woke up in Bastian’s arms, the reality of the secret I’d kept from him weighed heavily on my mind. All I wanted was to heal him however I could, yet I never got to tell him how I was in love with himandhis brother.

Would he be angry or understand like Bayleon seemed to?

His embrace tightened as he nuzzled my neck and spoke, “I haven’t slept that well in a long time.”

I kissed his chest and sat up, my heart heavy with worry. “I’m glad.”

Light from the stained-glass windows spilled onto the bed, making his midnight-blue eyes sparkle. His expression changed as he noticed me staring and he sat up.

“Lia, what’s wrong? Do you regret what we did last night?”

My throat tightened and I grabbed his hand. “No,” I said breathlessly. “I love you, Bastian. Being with you is what I want. There’s just . . .” I trailed off, slipping out of bed to find my gown on the floor. I put it on even though all I had to do was walk through the secret passageway to my room. Bastian had no idea the tunnels existed, but he was about to find out.

“There’s just what?” Bastian asked.

I walked around to his side of the bed and sat down. “Bayleon helped me find you last night. He saw how messed up you were in here.”

Bastian turned his gaze away. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

Placing a hand on his leg, I sighed. “He’s the one who told me about the pain. He’s struggling with it, too.”

Bastian’s eyes snapped toward mine, his expression full of shock. “He never told me. I never saw his pain.”

Nothing was said for a few awkward moments as he peered into my eyes; it seemed as if he could see right into my heart. Then, finally, he let out a breath and glanced at our joined hands.

“You love him too, don’t you?”

I waited until our eyes met before nodding in agreement.

“Yes,” I breathed out. I wondered how he’d respond to my following statement. “And Bayleon knows what we did last night.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “He willingly let you be with me even though he was in as much agony as I was?”

I nodded, hoping he could see the truth on my face. “Yes. He knew you needed me.”

Bastian leaned back against the headboard, clearly confused as he scanned my face. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, and I saw the guilt flash in his eyes.

“Talk to me, Bastian,” I murmured. “I need to know how you feel about all of this.” I forced a laugh, but there was no humor to it. “Because I’m confused about what to do. I love you and your brother, but I willnotchoose between you.” Reaching out, I clasped his warm fingers in mine and squeezed them tightly. “My heart belongs to you both.”

Bastian rubbed his thumb over my knuckles, his deep blue eyes searching mine for answers. “I understand,” he said softly. “It seems my brother and I have much to talk about."

I nodded in agreement. “You do,” I said quietly. “And once you have, I need to speak with you both together.” Heaving a heavy sigh, I moved my hand away from his and stood, taking a step back. “I really have to go,” I said firmly. “There’s someone I need to find before they leave.”

Bastian inclined his head in curiosity. “Who?”

A bright smile spread across my face, and I felt the corners of my eyes crinkle in anticipation. “I’ll tell you all about it later. I’ve got a plan and hope it works—it could be life-changing for the three of us.”

Slowly, I edged toward the bookshelf on the wall, trying not to laugh at Bastian’s puzzled expression as he watched me.

“The door is over there,” he said, nodding at the opposite wall.

A small button was hidden behind a row of classic novels on the middle shelf; I reached behind them and pressed it, making the door unlatch with a faint click. Bastian’s eyes opened wide in surprise and he smiled.