My daughter, holy shit. She’s so pretty, she looks like a doll. Derrick brought us breakfast this morning and we gave her Derrick’s middle name, Lee, but we spell it Leigh. If he hadn’t been close to the house. Brooke could’ve called 911, but she would’ve given birth at home and alone.
Speaking of names, we decided to name her Fallon. Fallon Leigh Burns weighed eight pounds and twenty inches. She is absolutely perfect. She looks just like Brooke and I know it’s only been a couple of days but she’s been the best baby.
I’m excited for Tripp to meet his sister. We bought him a scooter as a present from Fallon to him. I love that every day Brooke would call to talk to him, checking to make sure he was all right. She loves my boy as if he were her own blood. When she’s ready, I hope she wants to make it official and become his legal mom.
God, that makes me sound like that’s all I want from her, it’s not. I love her. I’d jump in front of a bullet for her. I’d work myself to the bone to make her happy. She has a great capacity for love, and I want my boy to experience that.
Footsteps pull my attention from watching Fallon sleep to Brooke standing in the hallway, looking adorably rumpled from sleep.
“Did you sleep well?”
She kisses the baby on the head and then smiles up at me. “I did, and I knew Tripp was coming home soon, and I wanted to be up when he met Fallon.”
Brooke wraps her arms around my waist and the three of us just stand in the living room, savoring this moment. Soon our boy will be home and then we’ll be complete.
Speaking of our boy, I hear a car pull into the driveway. “He’s here.”
She claps and walks toward the front door, peering out the window. Throwing open the front door, Tripp comes running into the house and right into Brooke’s open arms. “I missed you so much, bud.”
“I missed you too. Whewe’s my sister?” He smiles when he sees me.
I sit on the sofa and while my parents come inside, Tripp comes to sit next to me. “This is your sister, buddy. Her name is Fallon.”
“Hi Fallen,” He pronounces it, Fall-in. “I’m Tripp. I love you.” He leans down and kisses her softly. “Can I hold her?”
Brooke comes over and places a pillow on his lap before I gently lay her on the pillow. We watch him smile down at her. They are so sweet together and Brooke grabs her phone, taking pictures of them.
He announces he’s done and I take her back before handing Fallon to my dad while Mom loves on Brooke. They stay through dinner, ordering takeout for everyone and our daughter gets passed around, getting all the snuggles.
To think it wasn’t that long ago that I would’ve given anything for us to be together and honestly thought I’d ever have another shot. Now here we are with our new baby and our love stronger than ever.
Blinking away sleep, I find Brooke’s side of the bed empty. I reach out and touch, it’s cold. I sigh heavily and sit up. This is the fifth night in a row that I found her side of the bed cold. I look in the bassinet and find it empty.
We are reaching the age that Gage was when he passed. I could feel Brooke slipping and I’ve tried to be strong for her. My parents bought us the little monitor that goes on her foot. It will go off if her heart or oxygen levels drop. I was hoping that would help ease her worry, but she’s still on edge.
I don’t blame her. Lord knows I was a mess when Tripp was a baby. Of course, it’s worse for her. She’s the one who found him that morning. Mom has been coming over while I’m at work to help with the kids.
She’s told me to give Brooke time, and that mom was making sure she took care of herself. Heading out to the living room, I find Brooke sitting cross-legged on the sofa with Fallon to her breast.
Looking up at me, she blinks rapidly. “I know what you’re going to say. I’m trying, I promise.”
“Baby, I know you are. You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I just want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.” I sit next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and smile down at my daughter. “She’s been latching better, hasn’t she?” I rub my other hand over the top of her head. She pulls away and opens her eyes, looking up at me. “Hi, baby girl. Here I’ll take her.”
She hands her over, and I burp her, then snuggle her to my chest. Brooke leans into my side. “You are such a good daddy. Tomorrow I’ll schedule an appointment with the therapist. It’s time I go back for a little bit.”
“I love you, Brooke, and I know before we didn’t handle things well, and they spiraled, but I know we’re stronger and we will get through this.”
Leaning in, she kisses me. “Thank you for everything and for not judging me for struggling a bit.”
“Come on, let’s get her to bed and then I want to cuddle.” I quickly change Fallon’s diaper, and then the three of us head back to bed.
I’m able to get Brooke to sleep by rubbing her back. Once she starts breathing heavily, I lie on my back and watch shadows dance across our room. We met and fell in love at fifteen. We suffered and lost, but now I feel like we’re finally getting to our happy ending.
Fallon is six months old now, and she is her momma’s twin. She has her brown eyes, but we can’t tell if she’s going to be blonde or not. One thing is for certain, she loves her big brother. Tripp makes her laugh and when she hears his voice, she’ll search him out.