Page 42 of A Million Pieces

The hospital discharges me and Tripp sits on my lap as they wheel me out. We get loaded into the SUV and make our way home. Derrick is staying tonight just in case something happens. Once we get to the house, we all head inside.

I lead Tripp down the hall and into the bathroom.

“I’ll get him ready, baby,” Hank tells me.

I shake my head slowly. “No, let me do it.” He opens his mouth to argue, but I stop him. “I am okay. Please just let me take care of him.” Hank nods.

I lead Tripp down the hall to the bathroom. He’s quiet while I give him a quick shower. Once I get him in his jammies, he brushes his teeth, and then I lead him into our bedroom. I need to shower, but I’ll wait until he is asleep. We crawl into bed, and I lie on my back with him laying his head on my chest.

I stroke his hair as he holds on to me, and luckily it isn’t long before he’s asleep. It worries me that he hasn’t talked much since we were at the hospital. The ER doctor told us this could happen, but just monitor him and possibly have him talk to someone. Maybe we’ll go together.

Opening my eyes, I find Hank watching us from the doorway. He comes in and around the bed to sit on the edge of my side. “Do you want me to move him?”

I shake my head.

“Okay, baby. I brought ice for your face.” He places it on my face. “I’ll be in soon.” I feel him kiss my lips and hear it when he kisses Tripp.

Exhaustion finally washes over me, and I promptly fall asleep.


The soft sound of a little boy’s voice pulls me from my sleep. I open my eyes and see nothing but darkness.

“I will,” Tripp says. “Okay, love you.”

Hank stirs beside me. “Tripp, who are you talking to?”

“My brother. He says I have to be a good big brother to my sister.”

Hank and I both freeze. “Your brother?” he asks and we both sit up. “Tripp come here?” Once he’s settled on his dad’s lap, we ask him again. “What do you mean, your brother.”

“I’m sleepy,” he says and then yawns.

We lay down with him in between us. I can feel Hank’s eyes on me and I reach out, grabbing his hand. Tripp begins to snore softly. Hank pushes himself up and leans over our boy, kissing me softly on the lips. “Do you need anything?”

That’s when I realize that my face is throbbing. “Could I have some Tylenol and an ice pack?”

“Of course, baby. I’ll be right back.” He climbs out of bed and disappears into the hall.

While he’s gone, I stroke a hand over his hair. Was he really talking to Gage? I’ve heard stories of children seeing relatives that were no longer living, but that can’t be true. The baby flutters and I place my hand on my stomach. Is the baby really a girl?

Hank returns and after I take the Tylenol, I lie back down and put the ice on my face. Again, it doesn’t take long before I pass out.


The sun shines brightly in the window, making me cover my eyes with my hand. I look to my left and find the bed empty. Climbing out, I groan. My body is sore, but I just remind myself that I’m home, Tripp’s home, and we’re safe. In the bathroom, I’m startled by my face. My eyes are a little puffy, and black and blue.

My nose is swollen, and we’ll have to wait for it to go down before we’ll know if I will eventually have to have surgery on it. Of course, if I do, it’ll have to wait until the baby is here. I quickly use the toilet and then take a quick shower, rinsing the grime of yesterday off me.

Once I’m finished, I braid my wet hair and head back across the hall to get dressed in a T-shirt and sweats. Making my way down the hall, I find Hank lying on the sofa with Tripp lying on his chest. Neither of them are sleeping, just staring blindly at the TV.

Tripp spots me first and he starts to cry. He climbs off his dad and runs toward me. I drop to my knees as he reaches me and wrap my arms around him when his body slams into mine. Ignoring the throbbing pain in my face, I rock him in my arms. “It’s okay, baby. We’re okay. We’re safe with Daddy.” I keep repeating that until his tears dry up.

Hank comes over and helps us up from the floor. He wraps his arms around us. “She’s right buddy.”

Guiding us over to the sofa, the three of us sit snuggled together and watch everyToy Story, even after Tripp falls asleep, Hank and I continue to watch. I lean in toward his ear. “We should get him in to talk to someone.”

He nods. “That is what the detective suggested after he asked him questions.”