Page 31 of A Million Pieces


I blink away the sleep and realize I’m roasting. That’s because Hank is behind me with his arm around my waist with his hand on my stomach. In front of me, Tripp is snuggled up under my chin. My arm is around him and I’m hugging him to me.

My god, how did I let that woman get into my head? Tripp is all Hank’s. Tracey had nothing to do with that little boy except carrying and delivering him. I believe him when he says he still doesn’t remember what happened with her, except when he woke the next morning when I caught them.

Sweet Gage just wasn’t meant for this world. I don’t know why and I could ask myself that question every day and never come up with an answer. The little boy in front of me snuggles close and sighs.

I kiss the top of his head. Hank moves behind me and pulls me so I’m snug against his back. “What happened today?”

“What time is it?”

“It’s eight thirty.” He lets go of me and climbs out of bed. “Come, you haven’t eaten.”

I climb off the bed and then cover Tripp. My stomach growls as I head into the bathroom to relieve myself. While washing my hands, I get a look at myself in the mirror. I’m scary; my eyes are puffy, I am pale, and my hair is flattened on one side.

Grabbing my brush, I run it through my hair until it looks better. I make my way down the hall and find Hank at the stove. “Whatever that is smells good.”

“Sit.” He says and points to the stools at the breakfast bar. Setting the grilled cheese in front of me, he leans against the counter. “Baby, what the fuck happened? I wanted to wake you, but Derrick said you were a mess when he found you.”

I bite my lip to keep from crying. Hank shuts off the stove and comes around to stand next to me. He strokes a hand up and down my back.

“One of my students had to use the bathroom, so I walked her to the bathroom and while she was going, the bell rang. Once we were back to the room, I walked her into the hall. I went back into my classroom.” I then tell him about Tracey and everything that she had said to me.

I’ve never been afraid of Hank, but the anger coming off him has me cowering from him. He catches that and grabs my shoulders. “No baby, don’t you ever be scared of me. I wouldneverhurt you.”

“You’re right. I’m sor—”

Hank covers my mouth. “Do not ever apologize for a feeling you have.” He grabs my face. “Did she hurt you?”

I shake my head. “Not physically.” The tears spill down my cheeks and my stomach turns. Shoving him out of the way, I run to the garbage can, vomiting into it.

“Hey man, I need you and the brothers to come to my house now. Tracey is back.” I turn to find Hank on the phone. “Yeah, I know. Just fucking get here before I lose my fucking mind.”

He throws his phone across the dining room into the living room and picks up one of the stools, throwing it.

Crying has me running out of the kitchen and down the hall. Tripp is sitting in the middle of my bed. “I fought you left me. What’s going on?”

I pick him up. He’s shivering, and he wraps himself around me. “You’re okay. Everything is okay.”

“Shit,” Hank whispers from the doorway. He rushes toward us, pulling us into his arms. We both snuggle in close, even though there is a tiny little voice in my head that is telling me to run.

Tripp and I are snuggled together on the sofa, a while later when the sound of several motorcycles can be heard outside. Hank wraps his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me to him, kissing me hard.

“I’ll be right back.” He squats down in front of Tripp. “Buddy, you keep an eye on Brooke. I’ll be right outside.” After kissing his forehead, he stands up and disappears outside.

I turn onZootopiaand wrap my arms around Tripp.

Chapter Twenty


I meet the boys in my driveway. “Tracey showed up at Brooke’s school today.”

Derrick looks ready to blow a gasket. “Is she the blonde Austin was spotted with?”

“It’s got to be. They’re up to something. I need you all to cover me at the shop. There’s no fucking way either one of them are getting near my kid or my girl,” I say as I start pacing. “I’ll need eyes on Austin’s parents’ home, Tracey’s old haunts, and I’ll get Snoop to track where she’s been and where she could be.”

My brothers all nod, but that’s what we do—we roll out for each other when one of us is needed. Two more bikes pull up and it’s my dad and his best friend Saul.