Page 27 of A Million Pieces

Hank brings my hand up to his lips and kisses the back of it. I smile at him and pull the ultrasound picture out of my purse. Grinning, I hold up the picture and admire our little baby.

“These look so much better than when I was pregnant with Gage.” For once, I’m not hit with crippling sadness when I say his name or think about him. This little peanut is the most beautiful little blip I’ve ever seen.

He squeezes my hand. “I know. I couldn’t believe it. It’s going to be fucking awesome once the baby gets bigger.”

We pull into the driveway just a few minutes later. I climb out and meet Hank at the front. He pulls me into his arms. “We’ll wait to tell my parents. Let’s just enjoy this a little bit longer.”

God, I love that he said that. “Okay, if you’re sure.”

Hank leans down, kissing me. “I am. Now let’s grab the boy.”

The front door opens as we approach it. Tripp opens the screen door, bypassing his dad and jumping into my arms. I catch him with ease, hugging him tight. “Hey, buddy. Did you have fun with Grandma today?”

“I did, but I missed you and Daddy bery, bery much.” He gives me a kiss on my cheek that makes me grin.

Hank holds his arms out. “Come to your dad, boy.” He catches his son with ease.

Judy comes out, and I walk up to her, giving her a hug.

“Hey, sweetheart. How was your day?” She brushes my hair back behind my shoulder.

“It was good.” I step back so she can greet Hank, and then she sends Tripp in to grab his bag. A second later, we’re loaded up in the SUV, making our way back to Hank’s.


Hank drags me across the bed, wrapping his arm around my waist. He kisses the back of my neck, and in no time, he’s snoring softly.

I smile to myself as I think about Tripp’s reaction. I’d bought a book for him about being the big brother. Hank pulled him onto his lap and told him that I had a baby in my belly.

“Can I see?” he asked.

How could I say no to that adorable little boy? I stood up and stepped closer to them. “The baby is right here.” I rubbed my hand over my lower abdomen. “He or she is sleeping.”

Tripp leaned forward. “Hi baby. I’m your broder, Tripp. I love you, bery much.”

I smiled like a lunatic and squatted down so I could wrap my arms around them both. We stayed like that for a long time. I felt hope for the first time. Maybe it was time to put the past behind us and move forward to a new future, a future that could be anything we wanted it to be.

The rest of the night, the three of us snuggled on the sofa together. Once Tripp fell asleep, Hank put him to bed. Then he carried me into his bedroom and we did our own celebrating late into the night.

Now he’s asleep and I’m awake, taking a minute to thank whoever was looking out for us, giving us a second chance. Luckily, I’m exhausted, and sleep takes me under.


The skirt of my green shirt dress hits me midthigh. I wrap a thin brown belt around my waist and slip into a pair of tan ballet flats. I check myself in the mirror one more time before Hank gets back from dropping Tripp off with his parents for a sleepover.

We’re going out on our first official date tonight and I’m excited. I gave myself a blowout that looks phenomenal, if I do say so myself. My eye makeup is subtle but highlights both my green and brown eyes.

The front door opens, and my heart starts to race. At the door to the guest bedroom, I take a deep breath and then pull the door open. On silent feet, I head into the living room and find it empty.

I hear the refrigerator open, so I head into the kitchen. Stopping in the opening to it, I watch Hank crack open a beer. He takes a healthy swallow and then turns when he spots me.

He freezes, and then his eyes travel up and down my body. “Damn, baby. You look so fucking beautiful.” Hank sets his beer down and pulls me toward him. He’s in a black T-shirt and jeans, and he wears it well.

“You’re looking mighty handsome yourself.” I smile up at him and kiss him when he leans down. My stomach begins to growl, interrupting our kiss. “I think you better feed me.”

Hank kisses me one more time before leading me out of the house. He opens the door for me, and I get in. He climbs in the driver’s side. “I hope you’re hungry for steak.”

I begin to clap. “Are you taking me to The Tavern?” They’re the best steakhouse in town. He used to take me there for every special occasion.