Page 15 of A Million Pieces

I open the story I’ve been dying to read, quickly getting lost in the crazy hot world of seven-foot-tall blue aliens. It is not long until my eyes begin to feel heavy and I don’t fight them as they drift shut.

A click of the door has me opening my eyes. The living room is dark. I slept hard because now I’m out of it. Reaching for my phone, I want to check what time it is. I stick my hand out and don’t feel it.

I reach for my Kindle, hoping to use that for a light, but I can’t find that either. What’s happening? I sit up as the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Fumbling in the dark, I again try to find my phone.

It is a lost cause, so I fumble around, feeling for the lamp.

“Hey, sweetheart.” I open my mouth to scream, but Austin covers my mouth with his hand. “Fuck, I missed you,” he whispers before spinning me around, grabbing me by the throat.

In a quick move, he lifts me off the ground and then slams me down on my back. I can’t see him, which scares me more. I open my mouth to speak, but no sound will come out.

“Cat got your tongue, you little bitch.” The fist punches my stomach, and my breath leaves me in a wheeze.

I gasp for breath as I feel his hand tighten around my throat. I wrap my hands around his wrist, trying to pull it off, but he’s holding on tight.

“I should’ve done this last time,” he says softly and begins to squeeze harder. “Die bitch.” Austin squeezes so hard that white dots start dancing around my vision.

Suddenly the lights are on, but it’s no longer Austin choking me. It’s Hank. I open my mouth to beg him to stop, but he lifts my head and then slams it to the ground.

My eyes pop open as I cough, gasping for air, and fly up off the sofa. I grab my phone and see it’s only six thirty. I lay back down, wiping the sweat from my brow and then placing my phone back on the coffee table. “What the hell,” I whisper to myself.

I stand on shaky legs and head into the kitchen, grabbing the bottle of Patron out of the freezer. Pouring myself a healthy-sized shot, I shoot it back, and welcome the burn.

I should eat something, but I’m not hungry. That terrible dream killed my appetite. I head back to my bedroom, crawl into bed, and fall—thankfully—into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter Ten


“Daddy, can I get fruit woops?” Tripp walks beside the cart as I get groceries.

I look down at my boy. “It’s Froot Loops.” Enunciating the loops. He smiles up at me and I reach down, ruffling his hair.

I absolutely love that he still calls me Daddy and likes to cuddle. In no time he’ll be too cool to hug me. Would Gage be my little buddy, or would he be all about his momma?

After we lost Gage, Brooke had to let her milk dry up since she was breastfeeding him. He was gone, but she had to walk around leaking breast milk everywhere.

They said she could donate it, but those first few days afterward I could barely get her out of bed. I had to change the pads in her bra for her because she wouldn’t take care of herself.

The doctor for the club came and gave her a shot to knock her out. While she finally slept, I sat on the floor in our room sobbing into a pillow. Asking God over and over, why my boy? What did he do?

After Tripp was born, I was paranoid that I was going to lose him too. I’d sit and watch him sleep, putting my hand on his chest, and making sure he was still breathing.

Mom finally had a come-to-Jesus talk with me and told me I was going to be of no use to my boy if I was sick from not sleeping. It was hard at first, but I finally started to sleep.

“Daddy.” Tripp’s voice pulls me from my thoughts. “You’re just staring at the cereal.”

I shake my head and blink back the wet in my eyes. “Sorry bud, I was just daydreaming.” I grab the box of Froot Loops and put it in the cart, smiling widely as Tripp jumps up and down and cheers.

We finish our shopping and then load up my truck. Tripp sits in the back, watching the passing scenery. I focus back on the road. Once we’re home. I put away the groceries while Tripp turns on the TV and I can hear that he’s watchingSpongebob.

My mind goes to Brooke. Now that I think about it, I know she didn’t mean what she said. I was a dick and blocked her. I told Mom to give her some space—maybe that’s what she needs to move on.

Maybe what we had is completely over. I’d hoped there was a chance that we could try again. I know she still loves me. I could tell by the way she kissed me, but I guess it is just not enough.

I take a deep breath and head out to my son.
