Page 33 of A Million Pieces

Chapter Twenty-One


“Tripp, come eat,” I call from the kitchen. In about two seconds, he’s skidding into the kitchen. “Wash your hands,” I tell him and he climbs up on the step stool and turns the water on. He finishes, and I hand him a paper towel.

All clean, he runs around the island to sit at the table next to Derrick, who is hanging out with us while Hank is at the shop. I carry the bowl of spaghetti to the table, and he gets Tripp’s plate loaded up.

I grab the garlic bread and salad and place them on the table. Sitting across from the boys, I smile at them and begin loading my plate with food.

“This is great, Brooke,” Derrick says before taking a bite of his salad. “How are you feeling?”

Trying to control my features and hide my worry from him, I smile. “Good, but n-nervous about everything.”

He’s always been like a brother to me, and I’m not surprised when he gets up and comes around the table, pulling me into a tight hug. “I wish I had the right words to say,” he says softly. “Know that I am here for you, all of you.”

I wrap my arms around him. “Thanks, Derrick. I’m sorry I cut you out of my life when everything went down. I just didn’t want you to have to choose who to be friends with.”

“I know, doll.” He kisses the top of my head, and then we sit down and finish dinner.

While Derrick is watching TV, I’m giving Tripp his shower. He’s such a clown and is making up songs about washing his butt. I laugh while he adds a little shake. Once he’s nice and pruney, I pull him out of the shower and help him dry off.

After he’s got undies on, I squirt some baby lotion into his hands. He rubs it into his arms and legs. “Wook, Brooke, I’ve got big muscles.” Tripp flexes, and gosh, he looks like his daddy.

“You sure do.” I grab the comb and run it through his hair. Following him across the hall into his room, he pulls out a pair of pajamas, and I help him put them on. “Go out to the living room and I’ll be right there.”

Tripp sprints out of his room. “Uncle Dewick, I’m all clean.” I smile as I pick up his towel and toss it in the laundry.

After I clean up the bathroom, I come out to the living room and find Tripp and Derrick sitting together on the sofa.

“Come sit.” Tripp pats the spot next to him.

I do as he says and see that they’re watchingCars. I smile as he snuggles into my side.

Derrick pulls my hair and I turn to look at him. “Hank just texted. He’s finishing up and then he’ll be home.”

I nod and then yawn. It takes no time before my eyes get heavy.

“What the fuck, man.” Hank growls.

My eyes pop open and I realize I’m sleeping on Derrick’s chest and Tripp is nowhere to be found. Hank is standing in the living room staring at us. I push up and stand, and Derrick does the same.

I ignore the anger coming off him and go check on Tripp, and he’s fast asleep in his bed. After pulling his blanket up over him, I lean down and kiss his head.

Heading back out to the living room, I find the room empty but hear voices in the kitchen. I step in and find the two men standing toe to toe. “What’s your problem?” I ask, forcing my way between the two alpha males.

“Why were you sleeping on him?” Hank asks as he turns toward me. “And in my house.”

My anger starts to grow beneath the surface. “Are you kidding me right now? I’m pregnant and exhausted with your baby. Last I knew, we were watchingCars. What are you accusing us of, dickhead?” I poke him in his chest.

“You were practically on top of him.”

I shake my head. “We were both asleep, and Derrick has always been like a brother to me. Do you really think he’d do that to you?” Turning to walk out of the room, I stop in the entryway. “I’m sleeping in my room tonight. Don’t even think about coming in there.” I stomp out of the room and through the house. In the safety of my room, I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

Once I’m in bed, I stare at the ceiling. I can’t believe he’d accuse me of doing that. He knows better, or at least I thought he did. Lucky for me, I’m tired and fall asleep.

My eyes flutter open, and the room is still dark. I feel an arm draped heavily around my stomach. Rolling over, Hank and I are face to face, although it’s dark, I can still make out his shadow.

He is so handsome, but right now, I want to knee him in the balls. Instead, I kiss his chin and reach between us, palming his dick that is semi-hard. Hank moans quietly and his cock grows in my hand.