It’s hot. There are sweaty bodies everywhere, but my eyes are glued to one.

“No distractions, remember?” Oscar grits out to me under his breath, and I look at him sharply, not thrilled with his unnecessary reminder. I hold his gaze until he looks away, then my eyes lock onto the most perfectly round ass I've ever seen. I look up at her body, follow the vibrant red hair in a tight braid that runs down her back, and as she turns around, our eyes meet. Her cheeks flame, matching her hair. My cock jumps in response, and I swallow.

Beth.What the hell is she doing here?

The class ends abruptly as we stand in the room. Clearly, we are an interruption, as Jeff, who runs this center, was giving us a tour. Beth's eyes are darting between mine and Jeff’s as he stands next to me. We purposefully left it to the last minute to notify anyone and had Jeff and his management team from Baltimore City scrambling, but I wanted the media scrum, and Oscar said last-minute surprises are what will make a mark in the media today.

Plus, we didn’t want my mother ruining it. This way, she can still have her party as a celebration, but I won’t need to have Lilly on my arm when I present myself to the state. I can be with the people who I want to represent.

“What are you doing here?” Her voice hits my ears, and my eyes refocus on her.

“I could ask you the same thing,” I say, trying to get my bearings, keeping my eyes on hers and not on the curves of her breasts in her skimpy workout gear.

“I’m doing a yoga class. Or rather, Iwasdoing a yoga class,” she sasses back, and I smirk. She looks even younger out of her corporate attire. Fresh faced with no makeup, she is even more beautiful that I remember. There is now no doubt that I am at least a decade older, and I should be pushing my thoughts of her far from my mind. But they remain, as do my feet that are glued to the floor right in front of her. Unmoving.

“My timing was impeccable then, wouldn’t you say?” I grin to her, because my timing couldn’t have been better. Her cheeks flame a little more, and I rub my jaw to prevent the full, genuine smile that threatens to emerge.

“Your timing seems to always put you in the middle of the action,” she murmurs, and I see her take in a deep breath, her chest moving up and down, causing my eyes to leave hers briefly as I take her in.

“You look good out of your corporate attire…” I leave the remark to linger between us for a beat before I get interrupted.

“Ahh, Beth. This is Mr...” Jeff starts to say, but she cuts him off.

“I know who he is, Jeff,” she retorts, her eyes still not leaving mine, and I watch as a bead of sweat runs from her hairline down her shoulders and chest before going in between her breasts in the tight crop top she is wearing. I fight the urge I suddenly have to trail it with my tongue, as I shoot my eyes back to meet her bright blue ones.

“The media scrum is here. We need to go out the front,” Oscar says from beside me.

“What media scrum? What is going on?” she asks, her hands now on her hips, looking between all of us.

“I’m announcing my run for governor this morning. Looks like you get a front-row seat,” I answer her as Oscar turns toward the door to start proceedings. Eddie and Jeff follow him out, but I wait back. Intrigued and wanting more time with Beth.

The plan is that I will stand out front on the steps and make my official announcement to run for governor. Oscar chose Riverside because it is one area where I need the numbers. It has higher unemployment, lower household income, and we’re thinking of investing in some infrastructure projects here. But any productive thoughts went out the window the minute my eyes rested on Beth’s body. Voluptuous. Curvy. Flexible. So very fucking flexible.

“So you’re announcing it here? Kelly didn’t mention that…” she says, taking a step toward me. I look over her flaming red hair sticking to her head, before my gaze lowers, obviously so, down to her yoga pants that are doing little to tamper down my imagination of what is underneath them. I clear my throat as the last of the class members step around me and out the door, only the teacher remaining at the far end of the room.

“I’m glad she spoke with you. I hope you consider the opportunity. So aside from yoga… what are you doing in this area?” I ask her, my brow lowering in question. Taking a quick look around the room, I notice peeling paint, scuff marks on the walls, and a broken window at the back taped up with thick black electrical tape. It is a dump in need of urgent repair.

“I live here,” she states, and I watch as her arms cross against her chest.

“But you work in D.C.?” I ask, tilting my head in confusion, keeping my hands in my pockets so I don’t do something stupid, like touch her.

“Yes, I commute.”

“From here? That must take hours in the traffic. Why don’t you move closer to the city?” I ask in surprise.Is she mad?That commute would be horrendous during peak times.

“Did you get your shirt?” she asks me, tactfully changing the topic.

“Yes. Thank you. I appreciate the swiftness of the dry cleaning. I had it the next day. Very professional.” She smiles at the compliment, her defensive body language relaxing slightly.

“Harrison, we need you out front,” Oscar interrupts as he pokes his head back into the room, and I nod to him.

“You’re announcing it right now? At the center?” Beth asks, her eyes wide, obviously just putting two and two together, looking at me as though I am crazy.

“Harrison,” Oscar says impatiently, stepping farther into the room again, his tone not leaving me any chance to argue. My eyes remain on him for a beat, giving him a silent look to leave and he takes the hint, albeit with a sigh of frustration.