Page 7 of My Chance

Striding forward, she snatches up the coffee and takes a sip. Her body relaxes visibly, eyes closing just for a moment and a little“mmm”sounding from her throat before she catches herself. “Maybe you can work for me instead. I could get used to this little luxury of you bringing me coffee..” She speaks with a tight smile, one that says“fuck you”as she leans against her desk, giving me a perfect view of her curves in her black suit and sky high heels. “Where did you learn to make coffee so well?” she asks, taking another sip immediately. And for some reason, I find myself answering.

“My father was a coffee merchant in Italy, selling the best beans in the north. I think I had coffee before milk when I was a baby.” She observes me, trying to decide if I’m being genuine. When her face softens ever so slightly, I know she believes me.

“Speaking of fathers… since mine is why you’re here.” She crosses her legs at the ankle, taking a breath, her gaze dropping to the ground. “I don’t think you understand my need to stay away from him and everything he’s involved in. His decisions have created a tsunami of problems I now have to deal with, and it’s been hell. You want to work with me, but don’t you realize I won’t be a working lawyer anymore if that’s discovered. My reputation has already been dragged down, and that will be the nail in the coffin.” With a rough swallow, her eyes meet mine again, and whatever she sees there hardens her on the spot. “But I am sure you know all about that already, don’t you, Nico?” she says, eyeing me with an accusing glare.

“I know a lot of things Emilia,” I say, letting my voice drift off, not really answering her question, which I know she doesn’t like. Her shoulders stiffen when I remain silent. I imagine in a court of law, she would push her subjects further, drill a proper answer from them, but she leaves mine lingering in the air.

As I approach her, I watch her big blue eyes, which are like a beacon showing me the way. Stopping mere inches from her body, I don’t miss the way her breasts move up and down as her breathing increases in pace.

“Five. Days. And then you will be all mine.” My statement is said in a way that ensures she understands, my tone one made to intimidate. But it does just the opposite. I see a flash of defiance in her eyes, feel the flames of anger welling inside her that she is trying very hard not to let out. We stand close, staring at each other, neither of us wanting to be the first one to move in this standoff. I can feel her warm breath skirting across my skin, and my fingers twitch to touch her.

My cell vibrates in my pocket, startling me from my thoughts, and I smile as I look at the screen and see my sister's name. Emilia not so subtly looks at the screen as well, and I smirk.

“Five days, Emilia. Make the rightchoice.” I step away before I do something stupid, like put my lips on hers. Being that close to her is something I should be avoiding. My eyes trail over her form, drinking her in, and I see fire in her gaze as they land back on her face. Walking out the door, closing it behind me, I grab my phone.

“Ciao, bella!” I say as I answer the phone, a smile immediately coming to my face when hearing my sister on the other end. She starts talking in Italian a million miles a minute about Mama and Papa and the happenings of her day. I let her talk, as my mind is still back in the office, still picturing my frustrated bambolina.

“So, Fratello, there is a girl. Her name is Jasmina,” she starts, and even though I have no interest, I decide to entertain her as I step into the elevator.

“And, tell me about her.” I play along, wondering if I’ll ever end up marrying one of these girls she tells me about. I pretend to listen, giving Antonio a wave as I walk out of the building and step into the morning light. My sister’s strong desire to set me up and get me married is her one and only frustrating attribute.

“She is from Milan. Tall, beautiful, a model...” she says the last part tentatively, already knowing it will be a no from me. The last model she set me up with was purely after my money and connections. We are well known in Italy and that means a lot of women want to date men like me. The problem is finding the right one, something that has not yet happened.

It is one thing to be in an arranged marriage for Sebastian. That is business and I will do what I need to if that was ever presented. He has never asked, but it is not entirely impossible. But if my sister plans to set me up with one of her friends, then it needs to be the real deal. I want the kind of love my parents have, the everlasting kind. I grew up in a household full of it and I want the same for my children, no question.

“Ahhh, no model, Sorella, not for me.” I can hear her sigh, so I change the topic of conversation.

“Tell me, Sorella, how is your health. Everything going okay? You haven’t given me any updates lately.” My sister had breast cancer years ago. It has not reappeared yet, but I know it is something that can come back, and with Dante so precautious with Annie’s health, it constantly plays on my mind.

“I am fine, Fratello. Now, back to your love life! You need to come home and find a beautiful Italian woman, get married, and make babies!” she says excitedly.

“What if I find a nice American girl instead?” I ask as I jump into my car, thinking of the beautiful curvy blonde I just left. Though, the way my mind went right to her has me pausing for a moment.

“What? No! You must marry a nice Italian girl, Fratello. That way, you can come home more. You don’t want anything or anyone else to keep you over there. You need to be home with us!” I let the conversation flow, not pushing her anymore. I don’t have the heart to tell her I think New York is my home now. Italy will always be a special place, somewhere I go and visit all the time, but my life is here. I pledged my allegiance to Sebastian, and that is the kind of deal you take for a lifetime. And I wouldn’t change it.

“Sorella, you need to stop playing matchmaker. I don’t need a woman just yet.”

“I know, Fratello. It’s just… you gave so much up for me. You joined Sebastian’s family for me. I want to see you happy,” she says solemnly, and I am glad she is being honest. Now I understand why she’s so focused on this.

“You don’t owe me anything, Sorella. I am happy. Sebastian is fantastic, and I would do it all again in a heartbeat,” I say, trying to reassure her.

“Just promise me you will be safe, Fratello.”

“Always, Sorella. Tell me about your love life? Is there anyone I have to kill for touching my little sister?” I joke, successful in annoying her.

“Fratello! This is why I don’t date. The last boy I was interested in ran for the hills the moment you turned up and scowled at him,” she says, laughing, knowing the last boy I scowled at was her teenage crush who lived across the street. Since then, she has been sick and focused on herself, love not something that has come across her mind. I talk with her for a few more minutes, then end the call as we get to the compound.

I have work to do. I need to have things in order before our lawyer officially starts on Friday.



As I sip my morning coffee, I see a note next to it with the words‘24 hours’scribbled on it. His handwriting is scrawly, but legible. I don’t even have to think about who wrote it because it looks the same as the one that was left on my desk yesterday and the day before that. Every morning this week, as I have stepped into my office, a steaming cup of delicious coffee has been waiting for me on my desk, along with a note reminding me of the timeline I am on.

He is extremely sure of himself, and as much as that grinds my gears, I am getting used to the nice hot coffee each morning. I wonder what he will say on Friday when I reject him for the third time. I have a feeling Nico is not a man who is told no very often.

My body sinks into my office chair, feeling deflated because I lost another three clients this week. And I already know my remaining two are hanging on by a thread. I have been trying to drum up new business, calling all my contacts, reaching out to new prospects, but no one wants to come near me. It's like I am tarnished or have an infectious disease. I even had one guy hang up on me the moment I said my name.