Page 58 of My Chance

“She wants to see him,” I spit out to Sebastian, and his eyes glance from me to Emilia and back again, obviously seeing the fire in both our eyes. He nods and walks behind us, clearly interested to witness the interaction too.

I slam my hand against the keypad and throw open the door, pulling her inside, wanting to get this over with. Her father is still sitting in the chair we’ve left him in, his hands and feet tied. He looks disheveled and the smell of him is nearly overbearing. But when he looks up, and sees his daughter, he smiles.

“Ahhh, here she is. Hello, my darling.” I see her visibly shake at the greeting. My shoulders are heaving, because I am livid that she won't listen to me, but I am more angry now seeing her reaction to him.

“You!” she yells, her eyes tearing up, her breathing ragged, but I notice her opening and closing her fists by her sides. She is upset and overwhelmed, and I shouldn’t have brought her here.

“You bastard!'' she screams at him, her face contorting in anger, and my nostrils flare. I want to end him for making her upset like this, but I know this is her fight, not mine. So I wait.

“You selfish, dumb bastard!” Her foot stomps on the cement floor, and she would be totally adorable if we were anywhere else.

“You stupid fucking girl. Get me out of here,” he demands, not even having flinched at her rampage, and she pauses for a moment before it dawns on her that he thinks she can help him.

“Get you out of here?” she scoffs. “Do you have any idea where you are?”

“I know exactly where I am, and apparently, it is a whorehouse if your neck is anything to go by. Now, get me the fuck out of here!” he roars, and I take a step toward him, ready to hit him for taking that tone with her, but she puts out her hand in a silent request for me to stop. Which I do.

Her father raises an eyebrow before a shit-eating grin comes to his face.

“You are a slut, just like your mother, then,” he spits out at her, and I am about to explode. Emilia obviously sees my reaction, so she steps in again.

“Why do you even care? You never cared about me ever,” she says to him much more calmly, as my anger slowly builds even more.

“I don’t. I don’t give a flying fuck about you. Just get me out of here. I am your fucking father,” he sneers. I look over to the door, and Sebastian’s watching intently.

“You never even loved me. Scratch that, you never even liked me! You only ever loved your...” Her voice stops, and she stands in shock for a moment before her eyes flick to me.

“Oh my God…” she says in quiet awe before she turns on her heel and runs past me and Sebastian and back out the door.

“Emilia?” I yell to her, chasing her down the hall. Sebastian closes and locks the cell, following us.

“The laptop, Nico. Where is the laptop?” she yells back at me, as she is trying to navigate her way out of the depths of our compound, where I never want her to be ever again.

“This way,” I say, taking her hand and pulling her along, the two of us now running, and while I can’t see him, I know Sebastian is tailing us.

We get back to the apartment, and I rush to the desk, pulling out the laptop and opening it for her.

“Here.” I pull out the chair for her to take a seat, and she opens the screen to her father’s personal files.

“Do you know the password?” Sebastian questions, waltzing into the room, watching her closely.

“My father never loved me, my mother, or anyone else. But he did love one thing.”

The screen blinks for a moment before she starts to type, and then hits enter.

Then we hear a distinctive ding, and the program opens.

“Holy shit,” I say in shock.

“His fucking cat. Kitty. The password was Kitty!” she says before she stands up and pushes the chair out and rushes to the bathroom, me hot on her heels. She only just makes it before she vomits into the toilet, still standing before she drops to her knees.

“Emilia!” I rush to her and hold her hair back as she continues to empty her stomach.

“I’m going to kill him. No one ever talks to you like that. I am going to fucking kill him,” I say over and over. Her reaction to him is so intense, I wonder if there is something else I don’t know.

If I find out that he has touched a hair on her head, I will be the one that takes his last breath from him.

That is a certainty.