Page 64 of My Chance

Carter and Dante run into the room as I start to pace the floor, my hands gripping my hair, the pain in my chest nearly bringing me to my knees.

“What happened?” Dante barks, looking between Sebastian and I.

“Emilia was kidnapped from the cemetery just now,” Sebastian says to them both, their shocked faces looking at me as my nostrils flare, and I continue to seethe.

“Carter!” Sebastian yells. “See if you can hack the cameras and get a visual.

“Dante, get our jet ready and on standby. Lock down the compound. I have a feeling I know who has taken her,” Sebastian says.

“Who?” Dante and Carter ask at the same time.

“The French,” I grit out, my jaw clenching. I am murderous as I watch everyone running around, pulling out phones and laptops.

“Shit,” Carter says as he looks at the computer screen. “I’ve got the cameras.” The three of us look over his shoulder.

I watch the footage and see Emilia by the gravesite, putting the roses down, a matching bouquet to another one already there. Then her head whips up quickly. She is startled by something or someone. We don’t see anyone for a beat, but then a large, tall man appears. I lean in and watch as his hand grips her arm, pushing her to the side of the grave and pulling her away. They move quickly to a black Escalade, with dark windows and no plates.

“We need to call them,” I say to Sebastian. I know he is hesitant. He doesn't want them to know we are onto them. That we know anything about what they're doing, working with a man like Brian Cole.

He remains silent.

“Sebastian, I need her. I need her back here.” I feel myself falling apart as I wait for his response. If they hurt her…

He sighs, looks to the ceiling, and rubs his eyes. “Fuck! Fine!” he growls, looking at me angrily, and I know why. He told me not to get involved. Not to mix business and pleasure. This is what he was trying to avoid. But she is my weakness, just like Goldie is his.

We stand around the table as Sebastian grabs his cell. My heart rate hasn’t lowered, my teeth continue to grind, and I know my pulse is thrumming in my neck. I think about her father downstairs. He knew. He knew this whole time, yet didn’t say anything. Because of him, she is now gone, and I am going to make him pay.

“Quiet. Let me handle this,” Sebastian says, pinning me with his glare. My jaw clenches, but I nod quickly, and I stand in front of him, listening in to the conversation.

“Sebastian, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Hugo’s voice slithers down the phone. I have met him once; he seemed nice enough at the time. Now I want to remove his head from his body.

My lips remain closed, but it is taking all my energy to keep them that way.

“Hugo, you have someone who belongs to us, and I want her back,” Sebastian says, not mincing his words.

“Really?” he asked, feigning surprise, giving nothing away. “She is a pretty little thing, but Sebastian, you already have your precious Goldie. You don’t need another one.” If I hear him right, he is starting to sound a little nervous.

I step forward, ready to unleash, but Sebastian puts up his hand in a silent gesture, so I stop mid-stride.

“She is Nico’s girl, Hugo. You need to turn your plane around and bring her back.”

Hugo laughs, almost uncontrollably. Sebastian and I share a look, both filled with rage that’s barely restrained.

“You seem to forget, Sebastian, I am not someone you can demand things from. Besides, you killed one of my men. You owe me,” he sneers.

“Your man shouldn’t have been surveilling my compound. His blood is on your hands, not mine. But you have crossed the line now, my friend. You kidnapped a member of my family. That is not something that can be easily forgiven,” Sebastian says, trying to keep his anger in check.

I sit next to Sebastian, listening in on the conversation, ready to reach through the phone and end him already.

“I took her because I want her father. The piece of shit stole from me and now is in hiding. Hopefully, taking her will flush him out. She is taking a nice sleep at the moment, Sebastian. By the time she is in France, she won't even miss you.”

“She is carrying my niece or nephew, so you can be sure she will be missed dearly.” Sebastian drops the words like a bomb, and I stand up, reeling. The chair is pushed from my body and skids across the floor, landing with a thud, and my eyes are wide as I stare at Sebastian, words stuck in my throat.

Niece or nephew. Emilia’s pregnant?

Sebastian eyes me, his look at me fierce.

I am about to move, but Carter grabs my shoulders, holding me back while Dante comes close and muffles my screams. Even though he isn’t at fault, I want to slide across this table and grab Sebastian by the collar.