Page 57 of My Chance

“Nico! God, he is here, isn’t he? What the hell is he doing here!” My heart feels like it’s going to explode with how fast it’s beating.

“Emilia, calm down,” he says firmly.

“I will not calm down! You are a lying asshole!” I scream at him, not backing down.

“Emilia, take a breath. Lower your voice,” he says calmly again, and I want to slap him.

“What else are you lying about, Nico? What else are you hiding from me? Is anything real? Is anything you have said to me the truth? I can’t believe you. How can I believe anything you say now? How am I meant to trust you. Tell me. Is. He. Here?” I spit out, my body now shaking in fear, anger, nerves. I don’t know, maybe all three.

“Yes, he is here!” Nico roars back at me, his hands clenching at his sides.

“He is business, Emilia, and I don’t discuss family business outside of the family. And if you are asking me if what we have is real, then I want you to know that this is the most real I have ever been with anyone in my life. I have told you the truth about everything else. This is the only thing I’ve kept from you,” he states, his chest heaving. And looking into his eyes, I know he’s being honest. Almost instantly, the two of us start to calm down. But we’re not happy, that much is palpable.

“I want to see him.” I ignore his words, even though I want nothing more than to crawl back into his arms. My anger is taking charge for now.

“No,” Nico says dismissively.

“I want to see him. I want to look him in the eye. I want to...”

“You want to what, bambolina? You want to talk to him? You want to yell at him? What do you want?” Nico sneers at me.

“I want to get some fucking answers,” I bite out, the two of us murderous. This showdown was our biggest one yet, and it’s leaving us both panting.

“I want to know the truth.”



This woman.

This woman is going to be the death of me.

She fucking pushes my buttons, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t like it. Fiery Emilia is the best one, aside from when she is withering underneath me and moaning my name. That one is my favorite.

“Fine!” I grit out to her. “I will take you to him. Get dressed. We will go down now.” I take a seat and grab my coffee, not sure whether it is right or not, but I will be with her the entire time. He will not touch a hair on her head.

She huffs around my bedroom, throwing clothes on, tying her hair up in the messy topknot I like, and I don’t miss the bite marks decorating her neck. I smirk because they will show her old man exactly what side she is on, and no doubt piss him off to no end.

“Ready,” she says, standing next to me. She is breathless, almost panicked, so I stand up and take her hand.

“Let’s go.” As I drag her out of my apartment, her hand stays in my death grip.

“How long has he been here?” she asks as I pull her along the hallways and corridors until we get to the stairs.

“What have you been doing with him?” Her questions continue, my eyes focused straight ahead as I lead her into the depths of the compound—where no other woman has ever been before.

“Goddamnit, Nico!” she yells, and I stop, turn, and look at her.

“Don’t ask me questions I am not prepared to answer. He tried to ruin us, he tried to kill Catherine and Ivy, and he is ruining your business as we speak. He is an asshole who deserves everything he is getting and then some. So don’t come into my home, asking questions and demanding things you don’t need to know,” I shout out at her and instead of shrinking away from me, her eyes meet mine with fire.

“Fine. Just don’t leave me alone with him,” she says, narrowing her eyes.

“He is not going to touch you. I will fucking kill him myself if he tries.”

With a huff from her and a sigh from me, we continue along the cement walkway, the compound less luxurious down here. Colder, designed for function, not comfort. As we walk around the darkened corner toward the cells, I see Sebastian up ahead and stop as we get closer.

“Nico,” he says in warning. “What are you doing bringing her down here?” None of the girls are allowed in this space, but if she wants to see her shitty father, then I am going to fucking show him to her.