Page 43 of My Chance

“Busy.” I sit on the sofa, looking over the huge amount of work Emilia has done.

“Who is bambolina?” she asks immediately, and I knew it was coming. She heard me speak to Emilia the other week and has been calling me numerous times a day since. It is the first time in my life I have ignored her calls. My mind now only focused on one woman.

“No one you know,” I say, leaning back on the sofa, wondering if I should go and join Emilia, yet knowing I probably need to go see Sebastian. He and the boys still trying to work out who our intruder was, but we have no leads, no other indications of who he was and why he was here.

“Have you found a girlfriend, Fratello?” Sofia asks, intrigued and almost in awe.

“Ahh… don’t get ahead of yourself, Sofia. It’s just someone I know.” I try to get her off the topic, resting my head on the back of the sofa and resisting the urge to close my eyes.

“Is she Italian?” Sofia asks hopefully, and I sigh.

“Tell me, how is your writing going?” She loves to write. Poetry, fiction, blogging. You name it, she writes it. Sometimes she publishes, sometimes she doesn’t. I think it was because she spent so long in hospital and in treatment that she had a lot of time to daydream, so now she is full of story ideas. It never gets dull seeing her books in the bookstores back home.

She tells me about her latest story, and I listen as best as I can as my body grows weary. Then I’m jolted awake by a hand slapping me on the back of the head.

“Fuck!” I jump up and see Sebastian, Dante, and Carter all standing behind me.

“Sofia, I need to go,” I say and hang up quickly as I scowl at all three of them.

“Assholes.” I rub my head with my hand. “This is the last thing I need right now. I’m fucking exhausted.”

“Or exhausted from fucking?” Carter muses, which pushes him and Dante into fits of laughter as they fall onto the sofa and relax. I swear to God, he has been such a pain in the ass since he met Doc.

“Enough,” Sebastian barks out, and we all calm down.

“So, we think he might be from Europe,” Sebastian says, sitting in the armchair. Looking at the paperwork surrounding us, the dwindling boxes, he nods in approval at the progress.

“Still nothing from your end?” he asks me, and I shake my head.

“Nothing concrete,” I say.

“Shit,” Sebastian grits out.

“What makes you think he is from Europe?” Dante asks, pulling us back to Sebastian’s discovery about the man who was in our basement weeks ago.

“The guy we caught snooping around our compound didn’t speak, so we don’t know if he had an accent,” I say because that would have been a dead giveaway, and now I think about it, it was probably why he didn’t talk at all. Never answered questions, never cried out in pain.

“I have been through everyone who has something of worth who resides in this country, and not one is sticking. If old man Cole is getting money, it has to be from Europe. No one from the Middle East would touch him,” Sebastian says, and we nod. It makes sense.

“So where to from here?” Carter asks, looking at Sebastian.

“We wait. There will be more. Be alert,” Sebastian says, looking at each of us.

“We are allies with all the families in Europe. It can’t be any of them?” I ask Sebastian, the two of us talking with various families all the time. Our bond is strong.

“Never say never, Nico.” I feel like he knows more than he is letting on.

“Carter?” I get his attention. “When are Doc and Ivy coming to New York next?”

“Why?” he asks, immediately on guard. His protectiveness over his girls is overwhelming sometimes.

“I thought it might be nice for Emilia to see Doc. Maybe bringing them together may spark some memories that may help bring out new information?” I say, which is true. But I think after seeing everything in the boxes, Emilia would also like to see her niece. They are blood-related, and with no one else as family for her, it might be good for her to spend time with them.

“Fuck me,” Carter says, rubbing his temples.

“What?” I bark at him.

“You get your dick wet, and already you are in love,” he says, smiling.