Page 42 of My Chance

“That feels so good...” I moan as he hits my G-spot. I have never felt anything this good before.

“Who do you belong to, Emilia?” Nico growls, and I am lost in my arousal. I can only moan in response.

“Tell me. Tell me you belong to me.” The two of us are hanging on by a thread.

“You, Nico. I belong to you. Only you,” I pant out, the words falling from my lips without any doubt. Nico is branding me as his, and I am letting him. There is no longer any doubt; he owns me. I can’t hold anything back. I’m not able to think of anything else.

“Come for me. Now,” he orders just as he pinches my clit, and I lose it. Like a wild animal, I let go, my body shaking, silently screaming my release as Nico roars behind me. I hope this room has sound-proofing because I have never heard him this loud before.

I lay against the desk, panting, my skin coated in a light sheen, and I close my eyes as I feel Nico pulling out. “Fucking perfect,” he murmurs into my neck as his hand caresses my bare ass, and then he fixes my dress to cover me, making quick work of readjusting himself as well.

“I’ll take these too,” he says, sweeping down to pick up my panties off the floor as I sit up and look at him.

“What happened?” I ask him. As much as I like to feel wanted, I know something must have upset him to make him walk in like he did.

“Bad day.” Walking up to me, he pushes a stray hair out of my face and cups my jaw. “You seem to make it all better, though. Just like I knew you would,” he finishes, thumbing my bottom lip and looking at me intensely. I roll my eyes.

He tilts his head. “Did you just roll your eyes at me, bambolina?” A sly grin comes to his face at catching me out.

“No, why would I do that?” I scoff, throwing my hand up in the air with indifference as I start to walk back to the box I was working on, pretending to be busy to not answer him. But I only make it exactly two steps before he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him, and I slam into his chest.

“Good, because I would hate to have to put you over my knee…” His hand squeezes my ass cheek in warning, and I bite my bottom lip. If anyone else dared say that to me, I would run for the nearest exit, but Nico, he makes me want it. I need to press my thighs together just to settle myself from his light threat, knowing I am in way over my head, and hoping he will never let me drown.

“You wouldn’t dare,” I challenge him.

“You would like that, wouldn’t you? You would like me to roll up my sleeves and turn your pretty skin pink?” I swallow roughly, because he is right; I think I would like that very much.

“You need to focus on work, not me,” I say, trying to get out this conversation before he does, in fact, drape me across his knee. Then, we’ll be hot and sweaty and moaning all over again.

“Hmmm, boxes first, then. Just wait until tonight, Emilia,” he murmurs, before smacking my ass with his hand and leaving me wanting, with a wall full of boxes.



It has been two weeks since I brought her here, and she hasn’t left this apartment once. Her head has been buried in boxes from morning to night. I have been here to help her too when I can, but her work ethic is strong, and she was one hundred percent focused on the task. For the most part.

In between sorting through the paperwork, I have had her in my bed, on the sofa, on the desk, on the floor, in the shower, even in the kitchen when I’ve cooked for her. We have had sex in the morning curled up in the sheets, at noon when I saw the midday sun hitting her hair just the way I like it, and at night, when our eyes are exhausted from looking at the various documents and contracts, yet our bodies ache for the touch of each other. And while my sexual appetite is sated, we have found nothing much else to get us any closer to finding out who is helping her father.

Everything we have found, although excessive, seems to be above board. There are no contracts, notes, his phone logs are clean, no mysterious messages, nothing to indicate if or who he is working with. But I know he is. Therehasto be someone.

We need to access his laptop, something we left to the side, thinking we might find clues to his passwords in the boxes. But we are going to have to brainstorm more for that.

“Arghh! There are still so many boxes left!” she says as she lies back on the floor, sounding exasperated, and I feel guilty. I gave her three orgasms last night and then woke her up with a fourth this morning, so I know her body is craving rest. Although the way she is looking, all relaxed and sultry on the carpet, it makes me want to give her another one.

I say nothing as I walk over to her and pick her up, her soft body automatically tucking into mine.

“They can wait until tomorrow. You need to sleep,” I say, noticing she doesn’t argue with me, and given it is only early evening and her eyes are already half closed, I figure she will be asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow.

We have been sleeping here in the spare apartment, given the boxes are here, but as soon as the last box is done, I will be taking her to my place. I want her in my space, with me. No longer wanting to keep her purely work-related. We crossed that line a while ago.

As I get to the bedroom, I look at her, about to ask her if she wants a shower, but she is already asleep, in my arms, her body heavy, her breathing consistent. So I put her in the bed, cover her up, and turn off the light.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and grabbing it, I see Sofia’s name on the screen. She has been calling me nonstop all week, and I haven’t spoken with her because I have been so preoccupied with Emilia and the boxes.

“Hey, Sorella,” I say quietly as I exit the bedroom and walk back to the main room.

“Finally! Where have you been?” my sister exclaims, like it has been months.