Page 40 of My Chance

“Did you get my daughter?” he asks, looking at me, eagerly waiting for the cool bottle of water and sandwich I brought with me. It’s his usual lunchtime meal. Despite the fact I could easily let him starve to death down here, I know I need him alert. He still needs his memories, because if Emilia can’t find what we are looking for, then I am back to square one.

“Maybe,” I say, staring down my nose at him, trying not to breathe in the stench coming off him in waves, which is hard, considering he hasn’t showered in many weeks now.

“Good, now let me go. She is a good lawyer, can serve you well,” he says in a very businessman-like fashion, like he has the right to barter with me.

I laugh then, a low cackle. The arrogance of this man is astounding. Even now, even though he hasn’t told us shit, and after all he has done and been responsible for, he still thinks he can worm his way out of it. Not give us all the information, all his money, all his connections.

“Not until you tell me who is funding your activities,” I say to him.

“I have already told you. I acted alone,” he huffs out.

“We both know that the type of money you were throwing around to get your son a senator seat is not the kind of money you have. So I will ask again. Where did you get the money?” I’m getting sick and fucking tired of this asshole.

While there is no question his attempted push into politics was for the betterment of himself, I am not a fool. I have looked at his finances. His businesses were doing okay, but they weren’t as successful as we first thought; obscure transactions, mostly into offshore accounts. They are intriguing, but despite our best efforts, we cannot locate the person paying him. Whomever he or she may be. There is no doubt he is being financially supported in some way, but who would be financing his foray into getting ahold of the streets of New York to compete with us?

“I think whatever you’re looking for is in international borders,”Emilia’s voice repeats over and over in my mind. She came to this conclusion after less than a day of investigation. And I know she is right.

“I had the money. It was all my money.” His raised pitch tells me he is lying.

“Was it someone in Europe?” I ask, and I see his eye twitch a little.

“Are you deaf as well as dumb. I already told you, I acted alone,” he spits out.

“Oh, I am many things, Mr. Cole. But I tell you what I am not.” I watch him carefully.

“I am not merciful. I am not forgiving, and I certainly am not going to miss the opportunity to peel the skin from your body and put you in a bath of leeches,” I growl, my anger simmering right on the surface.

“I demand you let me go!” he yells, drawing my attention to his angry eyes. His face is red, and slimmer than it was a few months ago when we threw him in here not long after his son’s funeral. The rich prick has remained tight-lipped ever since, appearing to be the gatekeeper to many secrets, making me think he is more fearful of the person funding his activities than he is of us.

“You don’t get to demand a fucking thing.” I open the water and take a gulp, seeing him swallow at the action, craving it for himself.

“You have my daughter. You can do whatever you want with her. Like I said, she is a lawyer, but tie her up and fuck her all you want. I don’t care. A deal is a deal, so let me go!” he shouts again, and I see red. Blood red.

I throw the water bottle across the room, then march up to him, smacking my knuckles across his cheek so hard I hear a crack. I do it again with my left hand, on the opposite side of his face, and hear another crunch.

“You fucking never speak her name again, asshole,” I seethe, glaring down at his pathetic, panting face.

“You are a fucking despicable father, a shit businessman, and a poor fucking excuse for a human being!” I scream, my rage not dissipating. His eyes find me, and although he can’t smile, I see the glint in his eyes. I am about to hit him again and end him once and for all—

“Enough!” Sebastian barks behind me, and I look at him sharply, my nostrils flaring. I don’t say a word, and I give him a sharp nod before pushing past him, walking straight out the door. I need to get away from this asshole, and I need to get my shit together. Because the lines of personal and business are blurring, and that is a dangerous place for a man like me to be.

“Nico,” Sebastian says from behind me, but I keep walking, blood pumping heavily through my body. I need to hit something or someone.

“NICO!” Sebastian shouts, and I stop, standing still until he comes up beside me.

“What the fuck is going on?” Sebastian questions, looking at me with a mix of concern and intrigue like a big brother should.

“He is not talking. We have nothing to go on, and I want to fucking kill him already. He is a fucking disgrace,” I spit out.

“Yes. Yes, he is. But we knew that from the start,” Sebastian says, running his hand through his hair. “While I don’t care that you hit him, because the asshole deserves everything he gets, you can’t kill him. Not yet. If I hadn’t come down, I know you would have ended him. You need to wait.” Sebastian searches my face, but I already know he knows.

“Maybe you should just fuck her? Get her out of your system?” I look at him sharply.

“That has made it worse,” I reply, scrubbing my face with my hand.

“Fuck,” he murmurs, my look obviously confirming Emilia is more than a quick fuck at this point. “Fine. Don’t go down there again without me. In the meantime, double time on those boxes and get it done.”

“We are moving fast. There is just a lot to get through. Can’t we start taking his fingers?” While we have roughed the guy up a bit, we could push him much farther.